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140 namespace MemoryArena
142 struct AkMemoryArena;
217 #if defined AK_WIN || defined AK_LINUX || defined AK_SONY || defined AK_XBOX || defined AK_APPLE || defined AK_EMSCRIPTEN
281 #if !defined AK_EMSCRIPTEN
void *(* AkMemRealloc)(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress, size_t uSize)
void(* AkMemTermForThread)()
AK::MemoryArena::AkMemoryArenaSettings memoryArenaSettings[AkMemoryMgrArena_NUM]
Configuration of memory arenas for default memory allocator. For more information,...
Definition of data structures for AkAudioObject.
AkMemTermForThread pfTermForThread
(Optional) Thread-specific allocator termination hook.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkMemDebugToolMalloc(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize, void *pAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
AkMemInitForThread pfInitForThread
(Optional) Thread-specific allocator initialization hook.
AkMemFree pfFree
(Optional) Memory allocation hook.
AK::BookmarkAlloc::InitSettings bookmarkAllocSettings
Configuration of behavior for the bookmark-allocated memory. For more information,...
AkMemMalign pfMalign
(Optional) Memory allocation hook.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT Init(AkMemSettings *in_pSettings)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkCrtAllocatorInitForThread()
#define AK_EXTERNAPIFUNC(_type, _name)
AkMemRealloc pfRealloc
(Optional) Memory allocation hook.
Standard function call result.
void(* AkMemInitForThread)()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkMemDebugToolFree(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress)
size_t(* AkMemSizeOfMemory)(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress)
AkInt32 AkMemPoolId
Memory pool ID.
AkMemDebugRealloc pfDebugRealloc
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfRealloc.
AkMemDebugReallocAligned pfDebugReallocAligned
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfReallocAligned.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkMemDebugToolTerm()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * AkCrtAllocatorMalign(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment)
AkMemTrimForThread pfTrimForThread
(Optional) Thread-specific allocator "trimming" hook. Used to relinquish memory resources when thread...
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkMemDebugToolMalign(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment, void *pAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AK::MemoryArena::AkMemoryArena * GetMemoryArena(AkMemoryMgrArena in_eArena)
Helper to fetch each the arena. Should only be used for debug purposes, e.g. profiling,...
void(* AkMemDebugRealloc)(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pOldAddress, size_t uSize, void *pNewAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void VerifyMemoryArenaIntegrity(AkMemoryMgrArena in_eArena)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkCrtAllocatorFree(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress)
AkMemReallocAligned pfReallocAligned
(Optional) Memory allocation hook.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * AkCrtAllocatorRealloc(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress, size_t uSize)
size_t(* AkMemTotalReservedMemorySize)()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API size_t AkCrtAllocatorSizeOfMemory(AkMemPoolId poolID, void *pAddress)
AK::TempAlloc::InitSettings tempAllocSettings[AK::TempAlloc::Type_NUM]
Configuration of behavior for the temporary-memory pools. For more information, see Tuning "Temp Allo...
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkMemDebugToolReallocAligned(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pOldAddress, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment, void *pNewAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void GetDefaultSettings(AkMemSettings &out_pMemSettings)
Obtain the default initialization settings for the default implementation of the Memory Manager.
@ AkMemoryMgrArena_Primary
void(* AkMemDebugMalign)(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment, void *pAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
AkUInt32 uMemoryDebugLevel
Default 0 disabled. 1 debug enabled. 2 stomp allocator enabled. 3 stomp allocator and debug enabled....
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * AkCrtAllocatorMalloc(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize)
AkMemTotalReservedMemorySize pfTotalReservedMemorySize
(Optional) Memory allocation statistics hook.
AkMemMalloc pfMalloc
(Optional) Memory allocation hook.
void(* AkMemTrimForThread)()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkCrtAllocatorTermForThread()
@ AkMemoryMgrArena_Profiler
void(* AkMemFree)(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress)
void(* AkMemDebugReallocAligned)(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pOldAddress, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment, void *pNewAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
AkMemDebugMalloc pfDebugMalloc
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfMalloc.
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
void *(* AkMemReallocAligned)(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment)
@ AkMemoryMgrArena_Device
AKSOUNDENGINE_API size_t AkCrtAllocatorTotalReservedMemorySize()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkCrtAllocatorTrimForThread()
void(* AkMemDebugFree)(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress)
void(* AkMemDebugMalloc)(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize, void *pAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
void *(* AkMemMalign)(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment)
AkMemDebugFree pfDebugFree
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfFree.
AkMemSizeOfMemory pfSizeOfMemory
(Optional) Memory allocation statistics hook.
AkMemDebugMalign pfDebugMalign
(Optional) Memory allocation debugging hook. Used for tracking calls to pfMalign.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void AkMemDebugToolRealloc(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pOldAddress, size_t uSize, void *pNewAddress, char const *pszFile, AkUInt32 uLine)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * AkCrtAllocatorReallocAligned(AkMemPoolId poolId, void *pAddress, size_t uSize, AkUInt32 uAlignment)
void *(* AkMemMalloc)(AkMemPoolId poolId, size_t uSize)
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