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Wwise SDK 2024.1.1
Release Notes 2019.2.10

The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2019.2.9 and version 2019.2.10.
Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

New Features

  • WG-53068 Profiler Filter - The prefix "go" now matches numerical Game Object in addition to the Game Object name.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-52515 Fixed: Issues with WAAPI asset synchronization when moving nested folders of Wwise objects.
  • WG-52765 Fixed: Music Transitions with broken references to Music Segments in the Source and Destination Object Contexts can lead to a crash.
  • WG-52774 Fixed: In the dark theme, Portals are black instead of green in the Game Object 3D Viewer.
  • WG-52896 Fixed: Obstruction is applied to the output of an Auxiliary Bus used as an early reflections bus. This is undesirable because each reflection (image source) is evaluated individually in Spatial Audio, and each may or may not be individually obstructed.
  • WG-53141 Fixed: AkMemSettings::uDevicePageSize not taken into account.
  • WG-53142 Fixed: AkMemSettings::uMemAllocationSizeLimit can be exceeded with device memory.
  • WG-53250 Fixed: Property Help documentation is not packaged when using
  • WG-53259 Fixed: Continuous Blend containers with continuous child containers resume playback when paused.
  • WG-53437 Fixed: Potential infinite loop in BankReader when loading a SoundBank containing some already-loaded media and the I/O device block size is greater than 1.
  • WG-53495 Fixed: Seek offset can be slightly off when Vorbis voice comes back from virtual with the Play From Elapsed Time behavior.
  • WG-53536 Fixed: Crash when loading or unloading audio assets while Convolution Reverb is in use.
  • WG-53631 Fixed: Voice Inspector reports incorrect values for time and envelope modulators on volume and make-up gain.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-52754 Fixed: Possible crash in Sound Engine, AkTransitionManager::ProcessTransitionList.
  • WG-52822 Fixed: Capture Log type filters don't work as expected.
  • WG-52990 Fixed: Possible crash when opening a project under certain situations.
  • WG-53325 Fixed: Custom attachment mixer plug-in GUI is incorrectly sized.
  • WG-53508 Fixed: GetSourcePlayPositions reports the wrong position for ATRAC9 sources encoded at sample rates lower than 48KHz.
  • WG-53539 Fixed: Performance slows down when many Blend Containers are driven by Modulators.
  • WG-53587 Fixed: Deadlock and potential data corruption when generating SoundBanks during the conversion process.

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