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Wwise SDK 2024.1.1
Release Notes 2019.1.11

The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2019.1.10 and version 2019.1.11.
Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

New Features

  • WG-50146 Added a new audio session category to the iOS PlatformInitSettings, AkAudioSessionCategoryPlayback.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-30459 Fixed: (Mac Authoring) Option key is not mapped to Alt key.
  • WG-49993 Fixed: Transitions are not properly reported by the Voice Inspector when a game object is destroyed during a transition.
  • WG-50165 Fixed: Momentary UI freeze in Authoring when certain DirectInput devices are connected to the computer.
  • WG-50638 Fixed: Access violation when playing a Music Switch Container with an empty association list.
  • WG-51166 Fixed: Assert when preparing media using a deferred I/O implementation.
  • WG-51425 Fixed: Loop count randomization in random and sequence containers doesn't work when the base value is 1.
  • WG-51513 Fixed: (Mac Authoring) Text is pasted twice in text edit controls.
  • WG-51532 Fixed: (Mac Authoring) Cmd is not mapped to Ctrl key.
  • WG-52243 Fixed: Possible crash when using the Opus codec with specific content.
  • WG-52513 Fixed: Crash when requesting a pause operation on a delayed operation that was already paused once.
  • WG-52754 Fixed: Rare crash in Sound Engine, AkTransitionManager::ProcessTransitionList.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-51498 Fixed: Missing functions in the AK::SoundEngine namespace reference page.

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