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Third-party and custom Audio Devices

You may have access to third-party Audio Devices in your Wwise project. If applicable, consult their documentation for further information. With Wwise's open sink plug-in framework, however, developers can create and integrate their own Audio Device sink plug-ins.

Define new Audio Devices if you want to use custom sink plug-ins, which normally do specialized post-processing or output the audio signal to nonstandard hardware. If your game does not use such custom processing, you do not need to create Audio Devices. By default, Wwise will expose the built-in Audio Devices supported by the platforms used in your project.

Multiple Audio Device objects can be defined in one project. You can select the one to use in the property page of any of the master busses of your project. Remember that some devices are not supported on all platform, therefore make use of the Link/Unlink functionality to specify a different one on all platforms. Note that it is possible for a programmer to override the device selected in code, either at initialization time or when secondary outputs are added. Consult the SDK documentation to see how to select the device.

Further information on developing plug-ins for Wwise

Consult the SDK documentation for more information on developing plug-ins for Wwise.

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