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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Release Notes 2022.1.2.8150.2588

Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine. Here is what has changed in the 2022.1.2.8150.2588 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build).

This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine features.
This integration was compiled against Unreal Engine version 4.27, 5.0, and 5.1. It was tested against Unreal Engine 5.1. Any major Unreal Engine version more recent than the aforementioned is not currently supported, but will be in a subsequent patch release.

Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

New Features

  • WG-62790 Added official support for Unreal Engine 5.1.
  • WG-63373 Added multicast delegates for Global Callbacks.
  • WG-63770 Added uMaxSystemAudioObjects to the Advanced Initialization Settings based on new functionality provided by the Wwise SDK.
  • WG-63771 Added bPlotQueueLevel to the Advanced Initialization Settings based on new functionality provided by the Wwise SDK. Refer to the PS4-specific information in the Wwise SDK for details on this feature.

Performance Changes

  • WG-62583 File streaming is now provided through a custom class instead of the Unreal default class. See UDN IFileCacheHandle checks if file is present.
  • WG-63624 AK::MemoryMgr::TrimForThread is now called upon completion of the Wwise worker function when running in multi-core mode, which reduces the amount of memory that is reserved and unused by Wwise, especially when running Unreal on a system with many threads.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • WG-63709 Improved Verbose and VeryVerbose logging information in LogWwiseResourceLoader.
  • WG-63832 It's no longer necessary to install the Wwise SDK for macOS to integrate Wwise into an Unreal Project on Windows.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-60708 Fixed: Portal front and back room name text difficult to read.
  • WG-61802 Fixed: Erroneous Reverb Parameter Estimations in Unreal Editor.
  • WG-62695 Fixed: HF Damping value only refreshes when toggling Auto Assign Aux Bus.
  • WG-62962 Fixed: Warning about deprecation of 'IniKeyBlacklist' when building WwiseDemoGame.
  • WG-63008 Fixed: Unreal Editor crashes in FAkGeometryComponentDetailsCustomization.
  • WG-63286 Fixed: Only use Unreal audio audio routing option doesn't disable Wwise sound engine.
  • WG-63365 Fixed: Spatial Audio Volume's geometric volume calculation is doubled in UE5.1.
  • WG-63366 Fixed: Unreal Editor crash when adding a new Spatial Audio Volume to the map followed by an Undo (Ctrl+Z) operation.
  • WG-63710 Fixed: Reference-Loaded Switch Container Media is erroneously considered mandatory plug-in media.
  • WG-63720 Fixed: Crash in Audio Link when Ak Submix Input component receives 5.1 or 7.1 sources.
  • WG-63723 Fixed: Crash during garbage collection in projects using Audio Link.
  • WG-63945 Fixed: Crash when unloading streamed media.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-62961 Fixed: Sound from Wwise is quieter on some devices' speakers than others. A new platform option has been added to disable low-latency audio playback on these devices.
  • WG-63417 Fixed: Performance issues when streaming Spatial Audio Geometry and Portals.
  • WG-63433 Fixed: Build failure when integrating Wwise as an Engine plug-in.
  • WG-63445 Fixed: Stack overflow in WaitForFutures with large number of assets in a map.
  • WG-63466 Fixed: Possible crash when unloading Events that have Reference-Loaded Switch Container Media .
  • WG-63483 Fixed: AutoDestroy option on SpawnAkComponentAtLocation does not destroy the component.
  • WG-63547 Fixed: WwiseProjectDatabase is missing as a prerequisite module for the AkAudio module.
  • WG-63605 Fixed: Missing undef LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE throughout the source code.
  • WG-63745 Fixing: Error when building using SN-DBS.
  • WG-63790 Fixed: Error in language passing logic in FWwiseResourceLoaderImpl::SetLanguage.
  • WG-63824 Fixed: Crash in FAkReverbDescriptor::CalculateHFDamping.
  • WG-63829 Fixed: Not using custom thread pool for project database loading.
  • WG-63938 Fixed: Crash in FWwiseExecutionQueue::StopWorkerIfDone().

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