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Wwise SDK 2024.1.1
Release Notes 2024.1.1

The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2024.1 and version 2024.1.1.
Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

New Features

  • WG-68236 The SoundBank Info file now has the option of containing the colors from the project for different type of objects.
  • WG-71911 When Wwise cannot open a PROF file due to version incompatibility, the version of Wwise used to create the file is now indicated in the error message.
  • WG-74127 (WAAPI) Added new function to verify if WAAPI is available (that is, not locked).

API Changes

  • WG-74850 Updated AkSpeakerVolumeMatrixCallbackInfo to restore the IAkMixerInputContext which was removed in Wwise 2023.1.0. Most code written for Speaker Matrix Callbacks in Wwise 2022.1 and earlier can be used with no modifications necessary.

Behavior Changes

  • WG-70141 Corrected the volume of some ambisonic decoding operations in order to improve overall consistency of loudness when mixing a variety of ambisonic inputs to multichannel outputs. Decoding of 3D-positioned 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-order ambisonic inputs is now 3 dB quieter. Decoding of non-3D-positioned 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-order ambisonic inputs to multichannel outputs with height channels is 3 dB quieter. Decoding of all non-3D-positioned ambisonic inputs to multichannel outputs without height channels is 1 dB quieter.

Performance Changes

Miscellaneous Changes

  • WG-70687 Improved the sound design of the Spatial Audio gyms.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-70769 Fixed: Loop markers can be erased by the play cursor during playback.
  • WG-72728 Fixed: Shortcut menu doesn't always appear when right-clicking in the editor selection areas of an object tab.
  • WG-73613 Fixed: SoundBank warning message about inconsistent streaming configurations is missing quotes around the file name.
  • WG-74043 Fixed: Possible memory access violation when loading a SoundBank with a Music Switch Container that references a deleted State.
  • WG-74205 Fixed: Distance Dry Volume curve in Attenuation Editor always selected when choosing a new Attenuation.
  • WG-74292 Fixed: Various issues with Blend Containers when manipulating them during playback.
  • WG-74691 Fixed: Selection rectangle is too wide when selecting an item in a playlist.
  • WG-74809 Fixed: AK ASIO Output plug-in resets the device rate to 48 kHz, ignoring the value of AkPlatformInitSettings::uSampleRate.
  • WG-74854 Fixed: Rows in Random Containers and Sequence Containers are impossible to expand when the first column is very narrow.
  • WG-74885 Fixed: Deadlock on Comm termination after live-editing media assets.
  • WG-74887 Fixed: Play cursors in the Random-Sequence Editor become unsynchronized after sorting a column.
  • WG-74895 Fixed: Assert in GetRtpcCurveValue when connecting Profiler while sounds using RTPCs are playing.
  • WG-74929 Fixed: AK::SoundEngine::Query::GetPositioningInfo fails to get positioning info if the specified node does not override its parent's positioning.
  • WG-74964 Fixed: Vorbis and Opus decoder failure error on end of playback of non-streaming long sounds.
  • WG-75036 Fixed: Game Units To Meters setting range is wrong.
  • WG-75038 Fixed: Conflicting camera persistence in Game Object 3D Viewer compared to previous versions.
  • WG-75048 Fixed: Integration Demo Wwise project shows modifications after project has finished loading.
  • WG-75199 Fixed: Bus Configuration drop-down list in the Property Editor closes immediately when using the up and down arrow buttons.
  • WG-75204 Fixed: Changing the project color causes the Project Settings to stop being a modal dialog.
  • WG-75219 Fixed: Possible crash when using a keyboard shortcut while changing the color of an object.
  • WG-75282 Fixed: "Selected node (0) not available" message when loading a SoundBank with Blend Container and Random Container as children.
  • WG-75290 Fixed: Crash when right-clicking while dragging a marker.
  • WG-75341 Fixed: Erroneous warning about "Unknown Json field: PrintObjectColor".
  • WG-75491 Fixed: Erroneous warning about "Unknown Json field: Color".

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-61228 Fixed: Possible crash when changing the inclusions of a SoundBank.
  • WG-71614 Fixed: Calling RegisterBusMeteringCallback or RegisterOutputDeviceMeteringCallback with a NULL callback handle does not unregister the metering callback.
  • WG-74466 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) All portals in a scene are updated when any geometry or geometry instance changes, even if it is far away or unrelated. This can cause 1-frame spikes in % CPU usage.
  • WG-74498 Fixed: Crash when inspecting a source whose original sound file has been deleted.
  • WG-74773 Fixed: Loudness meter reports erroneous values when two or more loudness meters are assigned to the same bus.
  • WG-74891 Fixed: (WAAPI) New object created by copy and paste while subscribing to topic ak.wwise.core.object.created with return accessor "duration" cannot be played.
  • WG-74927 Fixed: Using AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture in a heavy CPU scenario can freeze the game.
  • WG-74957 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Portal path distances to rooms with no geometry are incorrect while using a distance probe.
  • WG-75183 Fixed: Integration Demo Visual Studio solutions fail to build when the path to its location contains a whitespace.
  • WG-75207 Fixed: Possible deadlock upon termination of sound engine when AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture is used.
  • WG-75305 Fixed: Compilation error in AkBitFuncs.h when compiling using clang-cl.
  • WG-75348 Fixed: Some public SDK headers fail to compile on Visual Studio when warning level /W4 is used.

Documentation Improvements

  • WG-73468 Added information on pros and cons to External Source.
  • WG-74313 Clicking Help (F1) with focus on the Property Editor now opens a reference topic specific to the current object type and selected category.
  • WG-74599 (WAAPI) Clarified function wwise.core.soundbank.generate, parameters soundbanks and, for auto-defined SoundBanks.
  • WG-75082 Added information to Music Playlist Editor about shortcut menu.

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