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Wwise SDK 2024.1.1
Wwise Authoring Performance Monitor Counter Identifiers

ActiveEventsThe number of Events that have been posted by the game and have not yet reached their end number of active listeners.
ActiveListenersThe number of active listeners.
ActiveSendsThe number of Game-defined or User-defined auxiliary sends that are active.
ActiveStreamsThe number of streams that are active. A stream is active when it required or was waiting for at least one I/O transfer in the last profiling frame.
ActiveTransitionsThe number of fades/transitions/interpolations that are active at any one time.
ApiCallsThe number of calls from the API to the sound engine.
CommandQueueSizeThe current amount of memory allocated for storing commands that are sent from the game application to the sound engine.
CommandQueueUsedThe percentage of the command queue that is being used at any one time.
CpuPluginTotalThe amount of the CPU used for plug-ins.
CpuTotalThe amount of the CPU used by the audio thread.
HardwareAudioDecodeUsageThe percentage of the Hardware Audio Decode resources that is being used at any one time. This counter will only be displayed when certain platforms(PS4and PS5) are selected.
LoadedBanksMemoryThe current size of the SoundBanks that have been loaded into memory.
LoadedUserBanksMemoryThe current size of the SoundBanks that have been loaded into memory via LoadBankMemoryView.
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceAThe Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance A.
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceBThe Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance B.
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceCThe Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance C.
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceDThe Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance D.
LoudnessShortTermInstanceAThe Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance A.
LoudnessShortTermInstanceBThe Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance B.
LoudnessShortTermInstanceCThe Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance C.
LoudnessShortTermInstanceDThe Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance D.
OutputPeakThe peak output from the sound engine at any given time, in dB.
PreparedEventsThe number of Events that have been prepared using the PrepareEvent()function.
PreparedEventsMemoryThe amount of memory used for the prepared events. When an Event is prepared, only the media specifically associated with that Event gets loaded into memory.
ProfilerBandwidthThe volume of profiling data sent by the game to the Wwise authoring application. Units: KB/s (kilobytes per second).
RegisteredObjectsThe number of game objects registered at any one time.
SpatialAudioCPUThe total amount of CPU used by spatial audio, expressed as a percentage of an audio frame.
SpatialAudioComputedEdgesThe number of diffraction edges that have been processed during this frame.
SpatialAudioDiffractionEdgesThe total number of diffraction edges in the current 3D environment.
SpatialAudioEmittersThe number of emitters processed by spatial audio: for each emitter spatial audio validates the reflection and diffraction paths.
SpatialAudioPathValidationCPUThe amount of CPU used by the path validation phase of spatial audio expressed as a percentage of an audio frame.
SpatialAudioPortalPathValidationCPUThe amount of CPU used by spatial audio to validate paths from the portals to the listener and the emitters expressed as a percentage of an audio frame.
SpatialAudioPortalRaytracingCPUThe amount of CPU used by spatial audio to sample the environment to find potential paths from the portal to the listener and the emitters. Expressed as a percentage of an audio frame.
SpatialAudioPrimaryRaysThe number of primary rays targeted by spatial audio.
SpatialAudioRaytracingCPUThe amount of CPU used by the raytracing phase of spatial audio expressed as a percentage of an audio frame.
SpatialAudioTrianglesThe total number of triangles in the current 3D environment.
StateTransitionsThe number of transitions between States that are played at any one time.
SystemAudioObjectsThe number of System Audio Objects playing at any one time.
TotalMediaMemoryThe total size of the media files that have been loaded into memory.
TotalReservedMemoryThe total amount of memory that has been reserved, or mapped to physical memory, but not necessarily in use by runtime memory allocations.
TotalStreamingBandwidthThe total amount of streaming bandwidth that is used at any one time. This value includes both low-level I/O transfers and transfers from the Stream Manager's cache which don't require access to disk, and is therefore larger or equal to the Total I/O Bandwidth (Low-Level).
TotalStreamingBandwidthLowLevelThe total amount of streaming bandwidth that is used at any one time. This value takes low-level I/O transfers into account only, and excludes virtual transfers from cached data in the Stream Manager.
TotalStreamsThe total number of streams open at any one time.
TotalUsedMediaMemoryThe total size of the media files that have been provided to the soundengine from the user (e.g. via setMedia)
TotalUsedMediaMemoryThe total size of the media files that have been transferred to the soundengine because of live edits in the project. This memory is not used in the Release configuration.
TotalUsedMemoryThe total amount of memory in use by runtime memory allocations.
VoicesPhysicalThe number of physical voices that are played at any one time.
VoicesTotalThe number of audio voices or separate playback instances that are played at any one time (Physical + Virtual).
VoicesVirtualThe number of virtual voices in the virtual voice list at any one time.

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