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Contents Editor: Silence

The Contents Editor gives you quick access to the properties associated with the Silence plug-in. You must click the Silence source to display the associated column headings.


Since you can't apply a Randomizer to the length of a silence plug-in, the Rand. Min and Rand. Max properties act as randomizers in specifying the minimum and maximum lengths possible for the Silence source.

Interface Element



The name of the silence source plug-in.


Determines which source within the sound object is:

  • Played during playback.

  • Included in the SoundBanks.

This option is only visible when you have more than one source within the sound object.


The duration of the silence source.

Default value: 1 Default
Slider range: 0.001 to 10
Input Range: 0.001 to 3,600
Units: Seconds

Rand. Min

An offset from the Length value that defines the minimum possible duration of the silence.

Default value: 0 Default
Slider range: -10 to 0
Input Range: -3,600 to 0
Units: Seconds

Rand. Max

An offset from the Length value that defines the maximum possible duration of the silence.

Default value: 0 Default
Slider range: 0 to 10
Input Range: 0 to 3,600
Units: Seconds


Any additional information about the silence source.

Adds a new source to the sound object.

When you click the Add Source button a list of possible sources that can be added is displayed.

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