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About properties in the Interactive Music Hierarchy

Both the Actor-Mixer and the Interactive Music hierarchies manage properties in the same way. In Wwise, the properties of a music object are divided into two categories:

  • Relative properties - Cumulative properties that are defined at each level of the hierarchy, for volume and Low-Pass Filter. The sum of all these values determines the final property value. It is important to know that each relative property will be capped when it reaches either the minimum or maximum limit. The limits for each property are described below:

    • Volume: (-200, +200) in dB

    • Low-pass filter: (0, 100) in percent

    • High-pass filter: (0, 100) in percent


    Pitch is not considered for objects in the Interactive Music Hierarchy for any platform.

  • Absolute properties - Properties that are defined at one level, usually the highest, in the hierarchy, and then passed down to all child music objects below it, for example, output routing. However, an absolute property can be overridden at each level in the hierarchy.


    You can generate motion data from a sound object, including music files. For more information on generating motion from an existing sound object, refer to Generating motion from existing sounds.

Like sound objects, music objects also have property indicators that show whether their property value is linked to other platforms, whether the property value is associated with a Game Parameter using RTPCs, and whether a Randomizer has been applied on the property value.

For more information on linking/unlinking property values, using RTPCs, and randomizing property values, refer to the following sections:

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