
Attention : vous avez été redirigé vers la plus récente documentation correspondant à votre version générale ( 2024.1.1.8691 ). Si vous souhaitez accéder à la documentation de votre version précise, veuillez télécharger la documentation hors ligne depuis l'Audiokinetic Launcher et sélectionner l'option de documentation Offline dans l'application de création Wwise.

Transition not sample-accurate due to source starvation.

This error occurs if a Source Starvation error occurred right at the moment the sample-accurate transition between two sounds was supposed to occur. This can only happen if the second sound is set as "Streamed" from disk. Such transitions can exist in Random/Sequence Containers, in Interactive Music, and when using the Dynamic Sequence mechanism in code. This should be preceded by a Source Starvation error. The sound will be stopped.

Recommended resolution steps:

  • Use the Zero Latency mechanism on the second sound.

  • Don't use Streaming for the second sound and place it in a SoundBank.

  • Investigate if there was simply too much streaming from disk at that moment, from Wwise or from other modules in the game. Balancing streaming requirements between modules is normally done at game engine level. Read more about Wwise's Streaming Manager operation here: Streaming / Stream Manager .

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