
Attention : vous avez été redirigé vers la plus récente documentation correspondant à votre version générale ( 2024.1.1.8691 ). Si vous souhaitez accéder à la documentation de votre version précise, veuillez télécharger la documentation hors ligne depuis l'Audiokinetic Launcher et sélectionner l'option de documentation Offline dans l'application de création Wwise.

System ran out of resources while loading plug-in dynamic library.

The system needs to allocate memory to accommodate the plug-in's static allocations. When loading the library, the system ran out of such resources.

Probable causes:

  • The plug-in requires a large amount of static memory to load.

  • The game had already reserved too much virtual memory when the plug-in was loaded.

Recommended resolution steps:

  • Make sure the plug-in you are using does not allocate an unreasonable amount of static memory.

  • Check the memory consumption of your game and make sure there is enough memory available to accommodate plug-ins when loading banks.

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