
Attention : vous avez été redirigé vers la plus récente documentation correspondant à votre version générale ( 2024.1.1.8691 ). Si vous souhaitez accéder à la documentation de votre version précise, veuillez télécharger la documentation hors ligne depuis l'Audiokinetic Launcher et sélectionner l'option de documentation Offline dans l'application de création Wwise.

File ... not found in path(s): ...

The file specified cannot be found. The paths searched are listed.

Probable causes:

  • The SoundBank path is not set, or not set to the right folder.

  • The file was not deployed correctly on the test console.

  • The file was not generated by the Wwise Project.

  • The file was not packaged in the deployment packages or bundles.

Recommended resolution steps:

  • If you use the default I/O code provided with Wwise, verify that the call to CAkDefaultIOHookBlocking::SetBasePath (or CAkDefaultIOHookBlocking::AddBasePath) points to the proper directory.

  • Make sure the SoundBank or WEM file was properly generated.

  • Make sure the SoundBank was properly packaged and deployed on your target.

  • If using Unity, make sure that the file is present somewhere in the StreamedAssets directory of the Unity project before packaging the game.

  • If a custom I/O hook is used, debug the custom I/O hook code.

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