
Attention : vous avez été redirigé vers la plus récente documentation correspondant à votre version générale ( 2024.1.1.8691 ). Si vous souhaitez accéder à la documentation de votre version précise, veuillez télécharger la documentation hors ligne depuis l'Audiokinetic Launcher et sélectionner l'option de documentation Offline dans l'application de création Wwise.

Cross-Fade transition ignored: Estimated length not available. Make sure sounds with Cross-Fade transitions virtual mode are set to "Play from elapsed time" and that only sounds with finite duration are used.

In order to calculate the parameters of a cross-fade, the real duration of the sounds is needed. Infinite sounds don't finish, by definition, so can't be cross-faded from. The Virtual Mode of the sounds have an impact on the real duration of the sound given that for the Play From Beginning and Resume options, the sounds could stay alive for much longer than the actual media.

The cross-fade will not occur, either on the "from" sound or "to" sound.

Recommended resolution steps:

  • Validate the Virtual Voice Behavior in the Property Editor used for the sound associated with this error. Use only "Play from Elapsed" or "Continue To Play".

  • Verify the sound is not looping infinitely.

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