Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
Refer to ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty, ak.wwise.core.object.setReference and ak.wwise.core.object.set to set properties and references with WAAPI. Also refer to Querying the Wwise Project to learn how to query properties and references.
Refer to ak.wwise.core.object.create and ak.wwise.core.object.set to add objects to lists with WAAPI.
Name | Display Name | Type | Default | Restriction | Is Visible | Supported RTPC Type | Supports Link/Unlink | ||||||||||||
3DPosition | 3D Position | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
3DSpatialization | 3D Spatialization | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Attenuation | Attenuation | Reference | Possible types :
| true | |||||||||||||||
BelowThresholdBehavior | Virtual voice behavior | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
BypassEffect | Bypass All Effects | bool | false | None | true | Boolean | true | ||||||||||||
CenterPercentage | Center % | int32 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Exclusive | true | ||||||||||||
Color | Color | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 26 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Conversion | Conversion Settings | Reference | Possible types :
| true | |||||||||||||||
Effects | Effects | List | Possible types :
| ||||||||||||||||
EnableAttenuation | Enable Attenuation | bool | true | None | true | Boolean | false | ||||||||||||
EnableDiffraction | Enable Diffraction | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
EnableLoudnessNormalization | Enable Loudness Normalization | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
EnableMidiNoteTracking | Enable MIDI note tracking | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
GameAuxSendHPF | Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends HPF | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
GameAuxSendLPF | Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends LPF | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
GameAuxSendVolume | Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends Volume | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
GlobalOrPerObject | Global Or Per Object | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
HdrActiveRange | HDR Active Range | Real64 | 12 | [ 0 , 96 ] | true | Exclusive | true | ||||||||||||
HdrEnableEnvelope | Enable Envelope | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
HdrEnvelopeSensitivity | HDR Envelope Sensitivity | Real64 | 20 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Highpass | Voice High-pass Filter | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
HoldEmitterPositionOrientation | Hold Emitter Position and Orientation | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
HoldListenerOrientation | Hold Listener Orientation | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
IgnoreParentMaxSoundInstance | Ignore Parent Playback Limit | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Inclusion | Inclusion | bool | true | None | true | None | true | ||||||||||||
InitialDelay | Initial Delay | Real64 | 0 | [ 0 , 3600 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
IsGlobalLimit | Limitation scope | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
ListenerRelativeRouting | Listener Relative Routing | bool | true | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
LoudnessNormalizationTarget | Loudness Normalization Target | Real64 | -23 | [ -96 , 0 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
LoudnessNormalizationType | Loudness Normalization Type | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Lowpass | Voice Low-pass Filter | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
MakeUpGain | Make-Up Gain | Real64 | 0 | [ -96 , 96 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
MaxReachedBehavior | When priority is equal | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MaxSoundPerInstance | Sound Instance Limit | int16 | 50 | [ 1 , 1000 ] | true | Exclusive | true | ||||||||||||
Metadata | Metadata | List | Possible types :
| ||||||||||||||||
MidiBreakOnNoteOff | MIDI break on note-off | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiChannelFilter | Channel Filter | int32 | 65535 | [ 0 , 65535 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiKeyFilterMax | Key Range Max | int32 | 127 | [ 0 , 127 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiKeyFilterMin | Key Range Min | int32 | 0 | [ 0 , 127 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiPlayOnNoteType | MIDI play on | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiTrackingRootNote | MIDI tracking root note | int32 | 60 | [ 0 , 127 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiTransposition | Transposition | int32 | 0 | [ -127 , 127 ] | true | Additive | false | ||||||||||||
MidiVelocityFilterMax | Velocity Max | int32 | 127 | [ 0 , 127 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiVelocityFilterMin | Velocity Min | int32 | 0 | [ 0 , 127 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
MidiVelocityOffset | Velocity Offset | int32 | 0 | [ -127 , 127 ] | true | Additive | false | ||||||||||||
NormalOrShuffle | Random type | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OutputBus | Output Bus | Reference | Possible types :
Must not be Null | true | |||||||||||||||
OutputBusHighpass | Output Bus High-pass Filter | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
OutputBusLowpass | Output Bus Low-pass Filter | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
OutputBusVolume | Output Bus Volume | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
OverLimitBehavior | Virtual voice behavior | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideAnalysis | Override Loudness Normalization | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideColor | Override Color | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideConversion | Override Conversion Settings | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideEarlyReflections | Override Early Reflections Send | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideEffect | Override Effects | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideGameAuxSends | Override Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideHdrEnvelope | Override HDR Envelope | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideMetadata | Override Metadata | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideMidiEventsBehavior | Override MIDI events behavior | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideMidiNoteTracking | Override MIDI note tracking | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideOutput | Override Output Bus | bool | 0 | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverridePositioning | Override Positioning | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverridePriority | Override Priority | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideUserAuxSends | Override User-Defined Auxiliary Sends | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
OverrideVirtualVoice | Override Virtual Voice | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Pitch | Voice Pitch | int32 | 0 | [ -2400 , 2400 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismInfiniteOrNumberOfLoops | Infinite Looping | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismLoop | Loop | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismLoopCount | No. of loops | int32 | 2 | [ 1 , 32767 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismResetPlaylistEachPlay | Always reset playlist | bool | true | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismSpecialTransitions | Transitions | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismSpecialTransitionsType | Transition Type | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismSpecialTransitionsValue | Duration | Real64 | 1 | [ 0 , 3600 ] | true | Additive | false | ||||||||||||
PlayMechanismStepOrContinuous | Step or Continuous | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Playlist | Playlist | List | Possible types :
| ||||||||||||||||
Priority | Priority | int16 | 50 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
PriorityDistanceFactor | Use Priority Distance Factor | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
PriorityDistanceOffset | Offset at max distance | int16 | -10 | [ -100 , 100 ] | true | None | true | ||||||||||||
RTPC | RTPC | List | Possible types :
| ||||||||||||||||
RandomAvoidRepeating | Limit repetition | bool | true | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
RandomAvoidRepeatingCount | Limit repetition to | int32 | 1 | [ 1 , 999 ] | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
RandomOrSequence | Random or Sequence | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
ReflectionsAuxSend | Early Reflections Auxiliary Send | Reference | Possible types :
| true | |||||||||||||||
ReflectionsVolume | Early Reflections Send Volume | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
RestartBeginningOrBackward | At end of playlist | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
SpeakerPanning | Speaker Panning | int16 | 0 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
SpeakerPanning3DSpatializationMix | Speaker Panning / 3D Spatialization Mix | int32 | 100 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Exclusive | false | ||||||||||||
UseGameAuxSends | Use Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends | bool | false | None | true | None | false | ||||||||||||
UseMaxSoundPerInstance | Limit Sound Instances | bool | false | None | true | None | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSend0 | User Auxiliary Send 0 | Reference | Possible types :
| true | |||||||||||||||
UserAuxSend1 | User Auxiliary Send 1 | Reference | Possible types :
| true | |||||||||||||||
UserAuxSend2 | User Auxiliary Send 2 | Reference | Possible types :
| true | |||||||||||||||
UserAuxSend3 | User Auxiliary Send 3 | Reference | Possible types :
| true | |||||||||||||||
UserAuxSendHPF0 | User-Defined Auxiliary HPF 0 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendHPF1 | User-Defined Auxiliary HPF 1 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendHPF2 | User-Defined Auxiliary HPF 2 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendHPF3 | User-Defined Auxiliary HPF 3 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendLPF0 | User-Defined Auxiliary LPF 0 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendLPF1 | User-Defined Auxiliary LPF 1 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendLPF2 | User-Defined Auxiliary LPF 2 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendLPF3 | User-Defined Auxiliary LPF 3 | int16 | 0 | [ 0 , 100 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendVolume0 | User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 0 | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendVolume1 | User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 1 | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendVolume2 | User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 2 | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
UserAuxSendVolume3 | User-Defined Auxiliary Send Volume 3 | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
VirtualVoiceQueueBehavior | On return to physical voice | int16 | 1 | Possible values :
| true | None | false | ||||||||||||
Volume | Voice Volume | Real64 | 0 | [ -200 , 200 ] | true | Additive | true | ||||||||||||
Weight | Weight | Real64 | 50 | [ 0.001 , 100 ] | true | None | true |
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