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Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Using AkSurfaceReflector from the Inspector

This component sends geometry to Spatial Audio. This can be used for diffraction and transmission of sound propagation and, if you have the Wwise Reflect plug-in, for simluating early reflections.

  • Mesh The mesh to be used for early reflections, diffraction and/or transmission of the sound. If left to None, the mesh of the MeshFilter component of the GameObject will be used, if applicable.
  • Acoustic Textures Select an Acoustic Texture for each submesh from those already defined in WwiseProject > VirtualAcoustics in the Wwise Picker. To add a new Acoustic Texture, you can click the Create new 'Acoustic Texture' button within the Wwise Project Explorer's ShareSets tab, after selecting a work unit or folder within Virtual Acoustics. Leave to None to have an unfiltered early reflection.
  • Transmission Loss Values Select the transmission loss value of each submesh in a range from 0 to 1. Typically, a value of 1.0 represents full loss, and a value of 0.0 indicates that sound can be transmitted through the geometry without any filtering.
  • Enable Diffraction Sets geometric diffraction on the edges of the mesh.
  • Enable Diffraction On Boundary Edges Sets geometric diffraction on boundary edges. Boundary edges are edges that connect to only one triangle.
  • Associated Room (Deprecated) Associate this AkSurfaceReflector component with a Room. This property is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. We recommend not using it by leaving it set to None. Associating an AkSurfaceReflector with a particular Room limits the scope in which the geometry is accessible. Doing so reduces the search space for ray casting performed by reflection and diffraction calculations. When set to None, this geometry has a global scope. Note if one or more geometry sets are associated with a room, that room can no longer access geometry that is in the global scope.
See also

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