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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Release Notes 2023.1.0.8367.2849

Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine. Here is what has changed in the 2023.1.0.8367.2849 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build). Upgrading Projects to Wwise 2023.1

This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine features.
This integration was compiled against Unreal Engine version 5.2 and 5.3. It was tested against Unreal Engine 5.3. Any major Unreal Engine version more recent than the aforementioned is not currently supported, but will be in a subsequent patch release.

Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

New Features

  • WG-53296 The integration now supports Wwise Debug SoundEngine on Debug and DebugGame Unreal configurations.
  • WG-58405 (Spatial Audio) Added Reverb Zones, which model regions within Rooms that have distinct reverb effects but do not require Portals to connect to neighboring Rooms. They are useful for modeling open spaces such as covered areas, overpasses, patios, and so on.
  • WG-62866 Added Wwise Reconcile commandlet to synchronize assets between Unreal and Generated SoundBanks.
  • WG-63596 Wwise Integrations for 2023.1 are backward compatible with Wwise SoundEngine 2022.1.
  • WG-65226 Added an option to display transition zones in the 3D viewer.
  • WG-66632 Wwise SoundEngine's StaticCRT Windows builds are now used by default.
  • WG-68016 Added WwiseResourceLoader unit tests.
  • WG-68279 Added function to confirm that code is being executed in a particular ExecutionQueue.

API Changes

  • WG-64048 (Spatial Audio) Added AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::uMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends to limit the maximum number of game-defined auxiliary sends that can originate from a single emitter.
  • WG-65130 (Spatial Audio) Removed AkGeometryParams::EnableTriangles and replaced it with AkGeometryInstanceParams::UseForReflectionAndDiffraction.
  • WG-66244 (Spatial Audio) The use of AkGeometryInstanceParams::RoomID is now deprecated and the parameter will be removed in a future version. We recommend that you do not use RoomID and instead leave it set to the default value (-1).

Behavior Changes

  • WG-61307 The Unreal obstruction and occlusion service now supports the AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectToPortalObstruction and AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalToPortalObstruction API functions. When emitter and listener game objects are in different Spatial Audio rooms, obstruction and occlusion checks are performed between emitters and portals in the same room, listener and portals in the same room, and between portals in the same room. A new parameter called Portal Occlusion was added to Unreal Portal Components. The parameter applies an occlusion value to the portal with the AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion function. It can be used to modulate sound in response to a door opening or closing. The Unreal obstruction and occlusion service was moved to a separate module called WwiseObstructionOcclusion, which enables users to swap the service for their own if desired.

Performance Changes

  • WG-67286 The integration now uses TTask and basic Unreal threads for most task usage on Unreal 5.2 and later.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • WG-62759 Rooms and Portals Visualization toggle settings are now located under User Settings.
  • WG-65309 Improved the Spatial Audio Unreal user interface and tooltips.
  • WG-66557 Unreal Engine 4.27 is no longer supported. Use Unreal Engine 5.2 or later.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-63820 Fixed: Unreal crash in UpdateConnectedRooms when calling open/close portal during level streaming.
  • WG-64283 Fixed: The reverb estimation service's EstimateHFDamping() function gives an incorrect value that is inconsistent with the definition of HF damping.
  • WG-64362 Fixed: Connected Portal front/back room name doesn't update when the Spatial Audio Volume name is changed.
  • WG-64529 Fixed: Refresh Interval can be set to a negative value.
  • WG-65139 Fixed: The Spatial Audio API functions SetDiffractionOrder, SetMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends, SetNumberOfPrimaryRays, and SetLoadBalancingSpread are not exposed to Unreal Blueprints.
  • WG-66779 Fixed: Assert in FAkReverbDescriptor when calculating T60 Decay of an AkLateReverbComponent with Auto Assign Aux Bus in a built game.
  • WG-67317 Fixed: Unreal null pointer crash in Post-associated AkEvent on Room without an Ak Event.
  • WG-67343 Fixed: Wwise Browser and Reconcile dialog only list one orphaned asset at a time.
  • WG-67418 Fixed: Unreal crash when performing an undo action after adding a level inside another one.
  • WG-67848 Fixed: Fit To Geometry does not modify the geometry properties of the Spatial Audio Volume according to the physical material of the surface it hit.
  • WG-68315 Fixed: Wwise Unreal plugin fails to build in Server mode.
  • WG-68516 Fixed: Renamed items appear twice in the Wwise Browser.
  • WG-68554 Fixed: Crash when SoundBanks are not generated, and then WAAPI is connected and generates SoundBanks multiple times.
  • WG-69004 Fixed: Event UAssets created with Reconcile fail to post in the Content Browser.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-60975 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Sudden change in panning when entering rooms that have multiple portals.
  • WG-61552 Fixed: DefaultGame.ini is used as a database for Spatial Audio assets.
  • WG-63321 Fixed: Building Unreal server leads to log errors that prevent packaging.
  • WG-64700 Fixed: Assert when dispatching a Blueprint event callback while Unreal Engine is routing PostLoad.
  • WG-65717 Fixed: UAkSurfaceReflectorSetComponent::AssignAcousticTexturesFromSamples() does not assign default values when the raycast does not return a value.
  • WG-66785 Fixed: Dynamic Room and Portal transforms don't update in packaged Unreal game.
  • WG-67619 Fixed: Crash due to Resource Loader race conditions.
  • WG-67950 Fixed: Crash caused by usage of raw pointers in the Portal component.
  • WG-68029 Fixed: Using std::atomic in FWwiseExecutionQueue causes deadlocks under certain conditions.
  • WG-68102 Fixed: Crash on UE 4.27 due to resource loading and unloading.
  • WG-68115 Fixed: Quickly reopening a streamed file causes "Could not open file for asset loading" error.
  • WG-68216 Fixed: Crash due to Switch Container Leaf reload and unload conditions.
  • WG-68380 Fixed: VisualCPP generates incorrect warnings in certain unit tests.

Documentation Improvements

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