

Source Editor: Motion

The Source Editor displays all the properties associated with the Motion plug-in.

You can generate a rumble or any type of motion by defining Driver offsets, RTPC curves, or State offsets that result in positive values for the different Drivers (where 1 is the most intense, and anything 0 or below means no motion). The overall duration and changes in intensity of the motion curves can also be set with RTPCs using Game Parameters, MIDI, and modulators.

The eight Drivers, lettered A to H, can then be assigned as desired to the different actuators (motors) applicable to your selected Actuator Configuration.


In general, rumble-based gamepads vibrate with greater intensity as the amplitude of the source waveform increases. However, the haptics on the DualSense gamepad vibrate with greater intensity the more the amplitude of the waveform fluctuates. Thus, a constant, high-amplitude waveform, such as those generated by a default Motion source, produces strong vibrations in rumble-based gamepads but no vibration in the DualSense gamepad.

As a temporary means to achieve stronger vibrations with the DualSense gamepad without redesigning your Motion source content, set the Actuator Configuration to DualSense 2-Channel.

Interface Element



The name of the Motion plug-in.


Any additional information about the Motion plug-in.

Internal Driver Channels

Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.


The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.


One of eight available curves for driving an actuator’s amplitude. The value can be absolute or it can be adjusted with an RTPC. For example, the Time Modulator can be used to vary the curve over a period of time. The selection of Driver curves used is determined in the Driver Assignment section.

Default value: 0.0

Range: 0 to 1

Driver Assignment

Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.


The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

Actuator Configuration

A set of configurations for known devices, each of which specifies the available actuator(s). Three “anonymous” configurations are included for unknown device configurations.

  • Android: A single anonymous channel.

  • PlayStation Move: A single anonymous channel.

  • DualShock 2-Channel: One low and one high frequency channel.

  • Switch 2-Channel: One low and one high frequency channel.

  • Switch 4-Channel: Two low and two high frequency channels.

  • Xbox 4-Channel: One low and one high frequency channel, as well as one right and one left trigger channel. (Cannot be tested in Wwise authoring.)

  • Generic 1-Channel: A single anonymous channel.

  • Generic 2-Channel: Two anonymous channels.

  • Generic 4-Channel: Four anonymous channels.

  • DualSense 2-Channel: One low and one high frequency channel, with a waveform for devices with high-fidelity haptics, such as the DualSense™ controller, which attempts to replicate the behavior of gamepads that use dual-motor vibration, such as the DUALSHOCK®4.


The platform names given to the actuator configurations indicate what is known to work for the Wwise default sink. This does not in any way limit these configurations to only the named platform. In fact, you may wish to choose something different for certain platforms. For example, some Android tablets have two actuators and, therefore, could be better served with a 2 Channel configuration instead of our default sink’s single anonymous channel Android configuration. Having a mismatch in number of channels will not prevent motion; rather, multiple actuators will use the same Driver channels or, if there are too many channels defined, some will be ignored.

Default value: Generic 1-Channel

Low Frequency 1

Use this to select the driver curve for the first low frequency (large) actuator of a device.

Default value: Driver A

High Frequency 1

Use this to select the driver curve for the first high frequency (small) actuator of a device.

Default value: Driver A

Low Frequency 2

Use this to select the driver curve for the second low frequency (large) actuator of a device.

Default value: Driver A

High Frequency 2

Use this to select the driver curve for the second high frequency (small) actuator of a device.

Default value: Driver A

Left Trigger

Use this to select the driver curve for the left trigger actuator of a device.

Default value: Driver A

Right Trigger

Use this to select the driver curve for the right trigger actuator of a device.

Default value: Driver A

Channel 1 (Anonymous)

Use this to select the driver curve for an anonymous actuator. Used by one of the anonymous configurations.

Default value: Driver A

Channel 2 (Anonymous)

Use this to select the driver curve for an anonymous actuator. Used by one of the anonymous configurations.

Default value: Driver A

Channel 3 (Anonymous)

Use this to select the driver curve for an anonymous actuator. Used by one of the anonymous configurations.

Default value: Driver A

Channel 4 (Anonymous)

Use this to select the driver curve for an anonymous actuator. Used by one of the anonymous configurations.

Default value: Driver A

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