
HDR Tab: Audio Busses

In the Audio Bus HDR tab you can define the HDR behavior and properties for the current bus.


HDR is not available for master Audio Busses.

Each HDR bus maintains an HDR window, whose position and width is defined by the level of the loudest sound at any moment, and the project's volume threshold respectively. Refer to the Project Settings for more information about the project's Volume Threshold. The behavior of the HDR window may be edited in the HDR tab of each HDR bus. There are two sets of controls; those that affect the behavior of the window with regard to levels (gain computer), and those that affect it with regard to time (ballistics).


Interface Element



The name of the object.

Displays the object's color. Clicking the icon opens the color selector.

Select a color to apply it to the object. When you choose a color for an object, a palette icon appears on the selected square, as well as a yellow triangle in the lower-right corner, as shown.

To inherit the parent object's color, select the square at the far left of the color selector.

Controls the Mute and Solo states for the object and shows the implicit mute and solo states for the object.

Muting an object silences this object for the current monitoring session. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one.

A bold M or S indicates that the Mute or Solo state has been explicitly set for the object. A non-bold M or S with faded color indicates that the object's Mute or Solo state was implicitly set from another object's state.

Muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects.

Soloing an object implicitly mutes the sibling objects and implicitly solos the descendant and ancestor objects.


Hold the Ctrl key while clicking a solo button to exclusively solo the object for which the solo button is associated.


Mute and Solo are designed to be used for monitoring purposes only and are not persisted in the project or stored in the SoundBanks.

Indicates the number of elements in your project that contain direct references to the object. The icon is displayed in orange when references to the object exist, and in gray when no references exist.

Selecting the button opens the Reference View with the object's name in the References to: field.


Any additional information about the object properties.

Sets the display of the Property Editor's selected tabs. By default, there is one panel that displays a single selected tab. You can, however, click a splitter button to display two panels, divided horizontally or vertically. The selected option is highlighted with a background color.

You cannot open the same tab in both panels. If you try to open the same tab in both panels, the first panel automatically opens a different tab.

[Tip]Shortcuts for selecting tabs

  • Press Ctrl and the number that corresponds to the number of the Property Editor tab you want to view. For example, Ctrl+4 opens the RTPC tab if it is the fourth visible tab.


Interface Element


Enable HDR

Defines if the bus has HDR enabled.

Refer to Using HDR for more details.

Default value: false



Defines the minimum input level, in dB, above which the HDR window may slide.

Refer to Working with the HDR Threshold for more details.

Default value: 0

Range: -96 to 96

HDR Ratio

This control behaves similarly to the ratio control in an audio compressor. It is a measure of how close the HDR window follows peaks.

At very large values, the HDR window follows peaks closely, so that two sounds, one peaking at 20 dB and the other peaking at 40 dB above threshold, come out at the same level of 0 dBFS, as long as they are not played at the same time. The difference between the two is that the latter will result in an attenuation of -20 dB to sounds below threshold, while the former will result in an attenuation of -40 dB. At lower ratios, say 4, a sound peaking at +20 dB comes out at +5 dB while a sound peaking at +40 dB comes out at +10 dB. The attenuation that results on sounds below threshold is -15 dB and -30 dB respectively.

Using lower ratios is therefore useful in order to gain back “global” dynamic range for sounds above threshold that is otherwise taken away by the HDR system. The drawback is that sounds may peak above threshold, so you need to keep sufficient headroom after the HDR bus in order to avoid clipping.

Refer to Working with the HDR Ratio for more details.

Default value: 100

Range: 1 to 100

Release Time

Defines the rate at which the HDR window falls back to rest when the target is below the current value.

In Linear Mode (see below), it is the time in seconds it takes to drop by approximately 10 decibels.

In Exponential Mode, it is the time in seconds it takes to reach approximately 0.37 (1/e) of the difference between the target and the current value.

Refer to Working with HDR Ballistics for more details.

Default value: 0

Range: 0 to 20

Units: s

HDR Release Time Mode

Defines the behavior when the window releases to a lower value.

  • In Linear Mode, the window top moves linearly in the dB scale (that is, exponentially in the linear scale).

  • In Exponential Mode, it moves exponentially in the dB scale. The speed at which it does depends on the Release Time (see above).

Refer to Working with HDR Ballistics for more details.

Default value: Exponential

Window Top Output Game Parameter

HDR Window Top Output Game Parameter

Defines the Game Parameter that will receive the HDR window position.

Refer to Using the HDR Window as an Input Variable for more details.

HDR Output Game Parameter Min

Defines the minimum value that can be set on the Game Parameter.

Default value: 0

Range: -100 to 100

Units: dB

HDR Output Game Parameter Max

Defines the maximum value that can be set on the Game Parameter.

Default value: 100

Range: -100 to 100

Units: dB


Displays the applicable HDR threshold dB range as a light blue rectangle within a full window range of -96 dB to 96 dB.

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