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Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Integrating Sounds in Your Game

At this point, you should be able to try playing sounds from Wwise in your game. If you haven't already set up your Wwise project with a few sounds, Events, and SoundBanks, you will need to start Wwise and do the following:

  1. Import a WAV file. Drag and drop one from a File Explorer window to the Project Explorer's Audio tab. This will create a Sound.
  2. Create an Event. Right-click on the sound and select New Event. Name it appropriately.
  3. Create a SoundBank. Go to the SoundBanks layout (F7). Click New… in the SoundBank Manager.
  4. Put your Event in the SoundBank. To do so, drag and drop the Event from the Project Explorer to the SoundBank.
  5. Click Generate Selected. You now have something to play.
Warning: The Unity Integration does not support Auto-Defined SoundBanks. Make sure the feature is disabled in the Wwise Project Settings.

Now, to integrate a sound in your Unity project:

  1. Open the Wwise Picker window (Window > Wwise Picker), it should show you your Events and your SoundBanks.
  2. Drag and drop your SoundBank on the object in your scene.
  3. Drag and drop your Event on an object in your scene.
  4. Play your game! You should hear a sound on start-up.

You didn't hear anything? Read more on the Troubleshooting page.

Integrate more sounds

The current integration of Wwise into Unity provides a few Unity components that will cover some of the regular usage cases.

However, it is important to have the support of a programmer to write scripts to implement the more complex behaviors you want in your game. You can find more information on the Wwise API in these two sections:

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