
Wwise SDK 2023.1.6

◆ PrepareEvent() [2/4]

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::PrepareEvent ( PreparationType  in_PreparationType,
AkUniqueID in_pEventID,
AkUInt32  in_uNumEvent,
AkBankCallbackFunc  in_pfnBankCallback,
void *  in_pCookie 

Prepares or unprepares events asynchronously (by ID).
The Events are identified by their ID (refer to General Information for a discussion on using strings and IDs). Before invoking PrepareEvent(), use LoadBank() to explicitly load the SoundBank(s) that contain the Events and structures. When a request is posted to the Bank Manager consumer thread, it will resolve all dependencies needed to successfully post the specified Events and load the required loose media files.

Note: Before version 2015.1, the required media files could be included in a separate media SoundBank. As described in Important Migration Notes 2015.1, however, PrepareEvent() now only looks for loose media files.

The function returns immediately. Use a callback to be notified when the request has finished being processed.

AK_Success if scheduling is was successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
Whenever at least one event fails to be resolved, the actions performed for all other events are cancelled.
See also
in_PreparationTypePreparation type ( Preparation_Load or Preparation_Unload )
in_pEventIDArray of event IDs
in_uNumEventNumber of event IDs in the array
in_pfnBankCallbackCallback function
in_pCookieCallback cookie (reserved to user, passed to the callback function)

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