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Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

◆ Compute3DPositioning() [1/2]

virtual AKRESULT AK::IAkMixerPluginContext::Compute3DPositioning ( AkReal32  in_fAngle,
AkReal32  in_fElevation,
AkReal32  in_fSpread,
AkReal32  in_fFocus,
AkChannelConfig  in_inputConfig,
AkChannelMask  in_uInputChanSel,
AkChannelConfig  in_outputConfig,
AkReal32  in_fCenterPerc,
AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr  out_mxVolumes 
pure virtual

Compute standard 3D positioning. You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkGlobalPluginContext::MixNinNChannels.

Note: The cartesian counterpart of Compute3DPositioning, that uses emitter and listener transforms, should be used instead of this function. It is more complete and more efficient.
Note: ComputePositioning is more general than this one, as it can also compute speaker gains for non-3D spatialization, and should be favored.
AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
See also
in_fAngleIncident angle, in radians [-pi,pi], where 0 is the azimuth (positive values are clockwise).
in_fElevationIncident elevation angle, in radians [-pi/2,pi/2], where 0 is the horizon (positive values are above the horizon).
in_fSpreadSpread ([0,1]).
in_fFocusFocus ([0,1]).
in_inputConfigChannel configuration of the input.
in_uInputChanSelMask of input channels selected for panning (excluded input channels don't contribute to the output).
in_outputConfigDesired output configuration.
in_fCenterPercCenter percentage. Only applies to mono inputs to outputs that have a center.
out_mxVolumesReturned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).

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