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Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
Creating a music hierarchy

In one operation, create a Music Switch Container, a Music Playlist Container, a Music Segment, and a Music Track with one imported WAV file.

Function URI



"objects": [
"object": "\\Switches\\Default Work Unit",
"children": [
"type": "SwitchGroup",
"name": "MySwitchGroup",
"children": [
"type": "Switch",
"name": "Switch1",
"children": []
"object": "\\Interactive Music Hierarchy\\Default Work Unit",
"children": [
"type": "MusicSwitchContainer",
"name": "MyMusicSwitchContainer",
"@Arguments": [
"\\Switches\\Default Work Unit\\MySwitchGroup"
"@Entries": [
"type": "MultiSwitchEntry",
"name": "",
"@EntryPath": [
"\\Switches\\Default Work Unit\\MySwitchGroup\\Switch1"
"@AudioNode": "\\Interactive Music Hierarchy\\Default Work Unit\\MyMusicSwitchContainer\\MyMusicPlaylistContainer",
"children": []
"children": [
"type": "MusicPlaylistContainer",
"name": "MyMusicPlaylistContainer",
"@PlaylistRoot": {
"type": "MusicPlaylistItem",
"name": "",
"@LoopCount": 0,
"children": [
"type": "MusicPlaylistItem",
"name": "",
"@Segment": "\\Interactive Music Hierarchy\\Default Work Unit\\MyMusicSwitchContainer\\MyMusicPlaylistContainer\\MySegment",
"@PlaylistItemType": 1,
"children": []
"children": [
"type": "MusicSegment",
"name": "MySegment",
"children": [
"type": "MusicTrack",
"name": "MyMusicTrack",
"import": {
"files": [
"audioFile": "C:\\SFX_400.wav"
"onNameConflict": "merge",
"listMode": "replaceAll"


"objects": [
"id": "{6F067572-23CF-4E99-962B-562B441CB4CA}",
"name": "Default Work Unit",
"children": [
"id": "{0641A054-EE2C-480B-A25C-71D64FE5D232}",
"name": "MySwitchGroup",
"children": [
"id": "{70B9E9D1-D61F-4355-8E95-447C842249CA}",
"name": "Switch1"
"id": "{0E873F51-7FAA-419A-882C-041C140E5498}",
"name": "Default Work Unit",
"children": [
"id": "{C49874C1-497D-4A7E-99F1-0B9C959DFDBE}",
"name": "MyMusicSwitchContainer",
"children": [
"id": "{7A8F2FA4-6D97-46CA-8F23-ED40C223759B}",
"name": "MyMusicPlaylistContainer",
"children": [
"id": "{D4DB8A92-5DAD-43BD-A428-F38DCA0049D3}",
"name": "MySegment",
"children": [
"id": "{ED751B21-54C8-43E4-9A10-E7FB2F41E4F4}",
"name": "MyMusicTrack",
"import": {
"objects": [
"id": "{0755079B-46C1-4B41-B1EB-BEAE5DB06629}",
"name": "SFX_400"
"logs": [
"severity": "Message",
"message": "Finalizing Importation..."
"@PlaylistRoot": {
"id": "{7F61EF00-6470-4C71-8ABD-7645AA3CF2B0}",
"name": "",
"children": [
"id": "{C134EC33-DD74-4C08-B687-9CF9D6C75327}",
"name": ""
"@Arguments": [
"@Entries": [
"id": "{06F963DC-169C-464B-92FB-7ABB303852DA}",
"name": "",
"@EntryPath": [

Refer to Using the Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI) for more information about Wwise Authoring API.

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