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Wwise SDK 2023.1.8
AkPlatformFuncs.h File Reference
#include <AK/Tools/Common/AkAssert.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkTypes.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cpuid.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <AK/Tools/POSIX/AkPlatformFuncs.h>

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 Platform-dependent helpers.


#define AK_THREAD_INIT_CODE(_threadProperties)   syscall(__NR_sched_setaffinity, 0, sizeof(_threadProperties.dwAffinityMask), &_threadProperties.dwAffinityMask)
#define AK_SEC_TO_NANOSEC   1000000000ULL
#define AK_FORCE_CRASH   abort()
#define AkAlloca(_size_)   __builtin_alloca( _size_ )
 Stack allocations. More...
#define CONVERT_UTF16_TO_CHAR(_astring_, _charstring_)
#define AK_UTF8_TO_OSCHAR(in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize)   AKPLATFORM::AkSimpleConvertString( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, strlen, strlen )
#define AK_UTF16_TO_OSCHAR(in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize)   AKPLATFORM::AkSimpleConvertString( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, strlen, AKPLATFORM::AkUtf16StrLen )
#define AK_UTF16_TO_CHAR(in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize)   AKPLATFORM::AkSimpleConvertString( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, strlen, AKPLATFORM::AkUtf16StrLen )
#define AK_CHAR_TO_UTF16(in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize)   AKPLATFORM::AkSimpleConvertString( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, AKPLATFORM::AkUtf16StrLen, strlen)
#define AK_OSCHAR_TO_UTF16(in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize)   AKPLATFORM::AkSimpleConvertString( in_pdDest, in_pSrc, in_MaxSize, AKPLATFORM::AkUtf16StrLen, strlen)
#define AK_FILEHANDLE_TO_UINTPTR(_h)   ((AkUIntPtr)_h)
#define AK_SET_FILEHANDLE_TO_UINTPTR(_h, _u)   _h = (AkFileHandle)_u
#define __ak_cpuid_count(level, count, a, b, c, d)


void AKPLATFORM::PerformanceCounter (AkInt64 *out_piLastTime)
 Platform Independent Helper. More...
void AKPLATFORM::PerformanceFrequency (AkInt64 *out_piFreq)
 Platform Independent Helper. More...
void AKPLATFORM::OutputDebugMsg (const char *in_pszMsg)
 Output a debug message on the console (Ansi string) More...
template<int MaxSize = 0>
void AKPLATFORM::OutputDebugMsgV (const char *in_pszFmt,...)
 Output a debug message on the console (variadic function). More...
template<class destType , class srcType >
size_t AKPLATFORM::AkSimpleConvertString (destType *in_pdDest, const srcType *in_pSrc, size_t in_MaxSize, size_t destStrLen(const destType *), size_t srcStrLen(const srcType *))
void AKPLATFORM::AkCreateThread (AkThreadRoutine pStartRoutine, void *pParams, const AkThreadProperties &in_threadProperties, AkThread *out_pThread, const char *)
 Platform Independent Helper. More...
static __inline int AKPLATFORM::__ak_get_cpuid_count (unsigned int __leaf, unsigned int __subleaf, unsigned int *__eax, unsigned int *__ebx, unsigned int *__ecx, unsigned int *__edx)
void AKPLATFORM::CPUID (AkUInt32 in_uLeafOpcode, AkUInt32 in_uSubLeafOpcode, unsigned int out_uCPUFeatures[4])

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