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Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

Moves an object to the given parent. Returns the moved object.


Name Type Description
object * any of: The ID (GUID), name, or path of the object to be moved.
string The name of the object qualified by its type or Short ID in the form of type:name or Global:shortId. Only object types that have globally-unique names or Short Ids are supported. Ex: Event:Play_Sound_01, Global:245489792
string An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
string A project path to a Wwise object, including the category and the work-unit. For example: \Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\New Sound SFX.
parent * any of: The ID (GUID), name, or path of the object's new parent.
string The name of the object qualified by its type or Short ID in the form of type:name or Global:shortId. Only object types that have globally-unique names or Short Ids are supported. Ex: Event:Play_Sound_01, Global:245489792
string An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
string A project path to a Wwise object, including the category and the work-unit. For example: \Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\New Sound SFX.
onNameConflict string The action to take if "parent" already has a child with the same name. Default value is "fail". Possible values:
  • rename
  • replace
  • fail
autoCheckOutToSourceControl boolean Determines if Wwise automatically performs a Checkout source control operation for affected work units and for the project. Defaults to true.

(Required *)

Arguments Schema


Name Type Description
id string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
name string The name of the object.
notes string The notes of the object.
type string The type of the object. Refer to Wwise Objects Reference for more information on the types available.
pluginName string The name of the plug-in for Source, Effect, Mixer, Device and Metadata plug-in.
path string The path of the object from the project root. Ex: '\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\Sound1'
parent object The parent of the object in the hierarchy. string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}. string The name of the object.
owner object The owner of the object. This applies to objects being locally owned by other objects, such as custom effects, custom attenuations, etc. string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}. string The name of the object.
isPlayable boolean True if the object can be played in Transport.
shortId integer The Short ID of the object.
classId integer The class ID of the object.
Unsigned Integer 32-bit. Range: [0,4294967295]
category string The category of the object. Ex: 'Actor-Mixer Hierarchy'
filePath string The path to the file containing the object. The path can be a Work Unit file or a project file. For using WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .
workunit object The parent Work Unit containing the object. The 'id' and the 'name' is returned. string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}. string The name of the object.
childrenCount number The number of children for the object. Note, this is deprecated. The same result can be obtained with children.count().
totalSize integer The amount of space (in bytes) this object and all of its children take up in a SoundBank. This does not include the objectSize. Note that SoundBanks need to be generated for this value to be accurate.
mediaSize integer The total converted size (in bytes) of the media files of this object and all of its children. Note that SoundBanks need to be generated for this value to be accurate.
objectSize integer The amount of space (in bytes) the meta-data of the object takes up in a SoundBank. This does not include media files. Note that SoundBanks need to be generated for this value to be accurate.
structureSize integer The amount of space (in bytes) the meta-data of the object and all of its children take up in a SoundBank. This does not include media files. Note that SoundBanks need to be generated for this value to be accurate.
musicTransitionRoot object (DEPRECATED) The music transition root containing all other music transitions recursively. Note, this is deprecated. The TransitionRoot reference should be used instead. string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
musicPlaylistRoot object (DEPRECATED) The music playlist root containing all other music playlist items recursively. This applies to Music Playlist Containers only. Note, this is deprecated. The PlaylistRoot reference should be used instead. string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
originalWavFilePath string (DEPRECATED) Absolute path to the original wav file. Only valid for Sound and Audio Source objects. For using WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .
originalFilePath string Absolute path to the original file. Only valid for Sound and Audio Source objects. For using WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .
originalRelativeFilePath string Relative (from project's Originals Folder) path to the original file. Only valid for Sound and Audio Source objects. For using WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .
activeSource object The active source of the sound object. string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}. string The name of the object.
convertedWemFilePath string (DEPRECATED) Absolute path to the converted wem file. Specify the platform in the options. Only valid for Sound and Audio Source objects. To use WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .
convertedFilePath string Absolute path to the converted file. Specify the platform in the options. Only valid for Sound and Audio Source objects. To use WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .
soundbankBnkFilePath string Absolute path to the generated SoundBank file associated with the SoundBank object. Only valid for SoundBank objects. To use WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .
playbackDuration object The duration root that contains the min and max durations and duration type. Note, this is deprecated. The duration should be used instead. This applies to all objects that can contain Audio Source objects, either directly as a source or indirectly through descendants.
playbackDuration.playbackDurationMin number The minimum possible time playback can take.
playbackDuration.playbackDurationMax number The maximum possible time playback can take.
playbackDuration.playbackDurationType string The type of duration.
duration object The duration root that contains the min and max durations and duration type. This applies to all objects that can contain Audio Source objects, either directly as a source or indirectly through descendants.
duration.min number The minimum possible time playback can take.
duration.max number The maximum possible time playback can take.
duration.type string The type of duration.
maxDurationSource object Audio source with the longest duration. This applies to all objects that can contain Audio Source objects, either directly as a source or indirectly through descendants. string The ID (GUID) of the audio source object with the longest duration.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
maxDurationSource.trimmedDuration number The duration in seconds of the longest trimmed source.
audioSourceTrimValues object Range of time for which the audio source is trimmed.
audioSourceTrimValues.trimBegin number The time value in seconds of the start trim.
audioSourceTrimValues.trimEnd number The time value in seconds of the end trim.
maxRadiusAttenuation object Attenuation with the largest radius. This applies to all objects that can contain Audio Source objects, either directly as a source or indirectly through descendants. string The ID (GUID) of the attenuation object with the largest radius.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
maxRadiusAttenuation.radius number The radius of the attenuation object.
audioSourceLanguage object Language associated to the audio source. This only applies to Audio Source objects directly. string The ID (GUID) of the Language object to which the Audio Source object is associated.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}. string The name of the Language object to which the Audio Source object is associated.
workunitIsDefault boolean True if the work unit is the default.
workunitType string The type of the Work Unit. Please note that, like Work Units, physical folders have the type "WorkUnit". Physical folders have the workunitType "folder". Possible values:
  • folder
  • rootFile
  • nestedFile
workunitIsDirty boolean True if a Work Unit or a Project (wproj file) is dirty, meaning it was modified but not saved.
switchContainerChildContext object The context object associated with the child of a Switch Container. This object holds the properties associated with the child that are context-dependent for the Switch Container (for example: the properties of the '1st only' checkbox). string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
isExplicitMute boolean Whether or not the object has been muted explicitly. Explicitly muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects.
isExplicitSolo boolean Whether or not the object has been soloed explicitly. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one.
isImplicitMute boolean Whether or not the object has been muted implicitly. Explicitly muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects.
isImplicitSolo boolean Whether or not the object has been soloed implicitly. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one.
isIncluded boolean Whether or not the object is Included. Specify the platform in the options. This takes into consideration the Inclusion status of the object's ancestors.
points array This only applies to Curve objects.
An array of points defining a curve.
points [...] object A point in the curve.
points[...].x * number X coordinate of curve point.
points[...].y * number Y coordinate of curve point.
points[...].shape * string Shape of the curve segment between this point and the next. Possible values:
  • Constant
  • Linear
  • Log3
  • Log2
  • Log1
  • InvertedSCurve
  • SCurve
  • Exp1
  • Exp2
  • Exp3
stateProperties array An array of state properties to set.
stateProperties [...] string The name of the property to set.
stateGroups array The State Group objects associated with this object.
stateGroups [...] object A State Group object.
stateGroups[...].id string The ID (GUID) of the State Group object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
stateGroups[...].name string The name of the State Group object.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$) any of: Specifies dot-separated accessors that form a query and yields a property value or an object reference. A single @ specifies the value of the property for the associated object. A double @ specifies the value of the property for the source of override. Refer to Wwise Objects Reference for more information on the properties and references for all types available.
string A string value.
array An array of string values.
number A numeric value.
array An array of numeric values.
boolean A boolean value.
array An array of boolean values.
object An object reference value.
array An object list reference value.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$) [...] string A string value.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$) [...] number A numeric value.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$) [...] boolean A boolean value.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$).id string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$).name string The name of the object.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$) [...] object An object reference value.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$)[...].id string The ID (GUID) of the object.
An object GUID of the form: {aabbcc00-1122-3344-5566-77889900aabb}.
regex(^((@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+)|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))(\.@?@?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\(\),]+|[a-zA-Z\(\),]+\(.+\))*$)[...].name string The name of the object.

Result Schema

See Also


Refer to Using the Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI) for more information about Wwise Authoring API.

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