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Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
What's New in 2012.1.3

2012.1.3 is a patch release. The following sections list and describe the changes made to Wwise between version 2012.1.2 and version 2012.1.3.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-20847 Fixed: Very long delay when connecting the profiler with a project with lots of busses and lots of states.
  • WG-20894 Fixed: inconsistent panning behavior when binding RTPC to front-rear or left-right, while in 3D user-defined positioning.
  • WG-20901 WiiU Optimization: tuned inlining parameters. Small gain obtained.
  • WG-20910 Fixed: Crash when connecting Wwise and there is not enough memory in the Communication pool.
  • WG-20913 Fixed: Connection to game is very slow if there is not enough memory to sync states.
  • WG-20912 Fixed: Nested workunits descendants were not packaged correctly in Soundbanks, and mute/solo logic was incorrect.
  • WG-20917 Fixed: Possible memory leak when preparing events in out of memory situations.

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