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Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

◆ StartProfilerCapture()

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture ( const AkOSChar in_CaptureFileName)

Starts recording the sound engine profiling information into a file. This file can be read by Wwise Authoring. The file is created at the base path. If you have integrated Wwise I/O, you can use CAkDefaultIOHookDeferred::SetBasePath() (or CAkDefaultIOHookDeferred::AddBasePath()) to change the location where the file is saved. The profiling session records all data types possible. Note that this call captures peak metering for all the busses loaded and mixing while this call is invoked.

This function is provided as a utility tool only. It does nothing if it is called in the release configuration and returns AK_NotCompatible.
in_CaptureFileNameName of the output profiler file (.prof extension recommended)

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