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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Changes to your Wwise Project

When you open the Unreal project for the first time after you integrate Wwise, certain settings in the Wwise project will change if they were set differently before.

When you open the SoundBank Settings (Project > Project Settings > SoundBanks), you can see that the following settings are enabled:

  • Copy Loose/Streamed Media
  • Remove Unused Generated Files
  • Generate Per Bank Metadata File (All Bank Metadata File also possible)
  • Generate JSON Metadata
  • Include in Metadata:
    • Object GUID
    • Object Path
    • Max Attenuation (highly recommended)
    • Estimated Duration (highly recommended)

When you open Project > Project Settings > Logs, you can see that the following settings are disabled:

  • Media is duplicated in several SoundBanks
  • Media not found in any SoundBank

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