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Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

◆ GetValueInt16()

bool AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::PropertySet::GetValueInt16 ( const GUID in_guidPlatform,
const char *  in_pszPropertyName,
int16_t &  out_propertyValue 
) const

Retrieves the 16-bit signed integer value of a specific property.

The plug-in XML definition file should define this property as a int16 in order to use this method.

See also
[in]in_guidPlatformThe unique ID of the queried platform.
[in]in_pszPropertyNameThe name of the queried property, based on the XML definition file.
[out]out_propertyValueThe returned value of the property.
true if successful.

Definition at line 1806 of file HostPropertySet.h.

References AK.Wwise::Plugin::CBaseInterfaceGlue< CHostPropertySet >::g_cinterface, ak_wwise_plugin_host_property_set_v1::GetValueInt16, and MKBOOL.

Referenced by AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::PropertySet::GetInt16().

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