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AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::Notifications::PropertySet_ Class Reference


#include <HostPropertySet.h>

Inheritance diagram for AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::Notifications::PropertySet_:
ak_wwise_plugin_notifications_property_set_instance_v1 ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance ak_wwise_plugin_instance_ptr AK.Wwise::Plugin::RequestedHostInterface< PropertySet > AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::AudioPlugin


struct  Interface
 The C interface, fulfilled by your plug-in. More...

Public Types

 The interface type, as provided by this plug-in. More...
enum  : InterfaceVersion { k_interfaceVersion = 1 }
 The interface version, as provided by this plug-in. More...
using Instance = CPropertySet_::Instance
 Base instance type for receiving notifications on property set's changes. More...

Public Member Functions

InterfacePtr GetInterfacePointer ()
CPropertySet_::InstanceGetInstancePointer ()
const CPropertySet_::InstanceGetInstancePointer () const
 PropertySet_ ()
virtual ~PropertySet_ ()
virtual void NotifyPropertyChanged (const GUID &in_guidPlatform, const char *in_pszPropertyName)
 This function is called by Wwise when a plug-in property changes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance
virtual ~ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 2333 of file HostPropertySet.h.

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