











Wwise SDK 2023.1.11
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1 /*******************************************************************************
2 The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
3 released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
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7 Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
8 may use this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided
9 with the software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
10 written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
12 Apache License Usage
14 Alternatively, this file may be used under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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24  Copyright (c) 2025 Audiokinetic Inc.
25 *******************************************************************************/
27 /// \file
28 /// Spatial Audio interface.
30 #pragma once
37 /// Initialization settings of the spatial audio module.
39 {
42  , fMovementThreshold(0.25f)
48  , fMaxPathLength(1000.0f)
49  , fCPULimitPercentage(0.0f)
54  {}
56  AkUInt32 uMaxSoundPropagationDepth; ///< Maximum number of portals that sound can propagate through; must be less than or equal to AK_MAX_SOUND_PROPAGATION_DEPTH.
57  AkReal32 fMovementThreshold; ///< Amount that an emitter or listener has to move to trigger a validation of reflections/diffraction. Larger values can reduce the CPU load at the cost of reduced accuracy. Note that the ray tracing itself is not affected by this value. Rays are cast each time a Spatial Audio update is executed.
58  AkUInt32 uNumberOfPrimaryRays; ///< The number of primary rays used in the ray tracing engine. A larger number of rays will increase the chances of finding reflection and diffraction paths, but will result in higher CPU usage. When CPU limit is active (see \ref AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::fCPULimitPercentage), this setting represents the maximum allowed number of primary rays.
59  AkUInt32 uMaxReflectionOrder; ///< Maximum reflection order [1, 4] - the number of 'bounces' in a reflection path. A high reflection order renders more details at the expense of higher CPU usage.
60  AkUInt32 uMaxDiffractionOrder; ///< Maximum diffraction order [1, 8] - the number of 'bends' in a diffraction path. A high diffraction order accommodates more complex geometry at the expense of higher CPU usage.
61  ///< Diffraction must be enabled on the geometry to find diffraction paths (refer to \c AkGeometryParams). Set to 0 to disable diffraction on all geometry.
62  ///< This parameter limits the recursion depth of diffraction rays cast from the listener to scan the environment, and also the depth of the diffraction search to find paths between emitter and listener.
63  ///< To optimize CPU usage, set it to the maximum number of edges you expect the obstructing geometry to traverse.
64  ///< For example, if box-shaped geometry is used exclusively, and only a single box is expected between an emitter and then listener, limiting \c uMaxDiffractionOrder to 2 may be sufficient.
65  ///< A diffraction path search starts from the listener, so when the maximum diffraction order is exceeded, the remaining geometry between the end of the path and the emitter is ignored.
66  ///< In such case, where the search is terminated before reaching the emitter, the diffraction coefficient will be underestimated. It is calculated from a partial path, ignoring any remaining geometry.
67  AkUInt32 uMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends; ///< The maximum number of game-defined auxiliary sends that can originate from a single emitter. An emitter can send to its own room, and to all adjacent rooms if the emitter and listener are in the same room. If a limit is set, the most prominent sends are kept, based on spread to the adjacent portal from the emitters perspective.
68  ///< Set to 1 to only allow emitters to send directly to their current room, and to the room a listener is transitioning to if inside a portal. Set to 0 to disable the limit.
69  AkUInt32 uDiffractionOnReflectionsOrder; ///< The maximum possible number of diffraction points at each end of a reflection path. Diffraction on reflection allows reflections to fade in and out smoothly as the listener or emitter moves in and out of the reflection's shadow zone.
70  ///< When greater than zero, diffraction rays are sent from the listener to search for reflections around one or more corners from the listener.
71  ///< Diffraction must be enabled on the geometry to find diffracted reflections (refer to \c AkGeometryParams). Set to 0 to disable diffraction on reflections.
72  ///< To allow reflections to propagate through portals without being cut off, set \c uDiffractionOnReflectionsOrder to 2 or greater.
73  AkReal32 fMaxPathLength; ///< The total length of a path composed of a sequence of segments (or rays) cannot exceed the defined maximum path length. High values compute longer paths but increase the CPU cost.
74  ///< Each individual sound is also affected by its maximum attenuation distance, specified in the Authoring tool. Reflection or diffraction paths, calculated inside Spatial Audio, will never exceed a sound's maximum attenuation distance.
75  ///< Note, however, that attenuation is considered infinite if the furthest point is above the audibility threshold.
76  AkReal32 fCPULimitPercentage; ///< Defines the targeted computation time allocated for the ray tracing engine. Defined as a percentage [0, 100] of the current audio frame. The ray tracing engine dynamically adapts the number of primary rays to target the specified computation time value. In all circumstances, the computed number of primary rays cannot exceed the number of primary rays specified by AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::uNumberOfPrimaryRays.
77  ///< A value of 0 indicates no target has been set. In this case, the number of primary rays is fixed and is set by AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::uNumberOfPrimaryRays.
78  AkUInt32 uLoadBalancingSpread; ///< Spread the computation of paths on uLoadBalancingSpread frames [1..[. When uLoadBalancingSpread is set to 1, no load balancing is done. Values greater than 1 indicate the computation of paths will be spread on this number of frames.
79  bool bEnableGeometricDiffractionAndTransmission;///< Enable computation of geometric diffraction and transmission paths for all sources that have the <b>Enable Diffraction and Transmission</b> box checked in the Positioning tab of the Wwise Property Editor.
80  ///< This flag enables sound paths around (diffraction) and through (transmission) geometry (see \c AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry).
81  ///< Setting \c bEnableGeometricDiffractionAndTransmission to false implies that geometry is only to be used for reflection calculation.
82  ///< Diffraction edges must be enabled on geometry for diffraction calculation (see \c AkGeometryParams).
83  ///< If \c bEnableGeometricDiffractionAndTransmission is false but a sound has <b>Enable Diffraction and Transmission</b> selected in the Positioning tab of the authoring tool, the sound will diffract through portals but will pass through geometry as if it is not there.
84  ///< One would typically disable this setting in the case that the game intends to perform its own obstruction calculation, but geometry is still passed to spatial audio for reflection calculation.
85  bool bCalcEmitterVirtualPosition; ///< An emitter that is diffracted through a portal or around geometry will have its apparent or virtual position calculated by Wwise Spatial Audio and passed on to the sound engine.
86 };
88 /// Settings for individual image sources.
90 {
91  /// Constructor
94  /// Constructor with parameters
95  AkImageSourceSettings(AkVector64 in_sourcePosition, AkReal32 in_fDistanceScalingFactor, AkReal32 in_fLevel)
96  : params(in_sourcePosition, in_fDistanceScalingFactor, in_fLevel)
97  , texture()
98  {
99  }
101  /// Helper function to set a single acoustic texture.
102  void SetOneTexture(AkUniqueID in_texture)
103  {
104  texture.uNumTexture = 1;
105  texture.arTextureID[0] = in_texture;
106  }
108  /// Image source parameters.
111  /// Acoustic texture that goes with this image source.
112  /// \akwarning Note that changing acoustic textures across frames for a given image source, identified by in_srcID, may result in a discontinuity in the audio signal.
113  /// \sa SetImageSource
115 };
117 /// Vertex for a spatial audio mesh.
118 struct AkVertex
119 {
120  /// Constructor
121  AkVertex() : X(0.f), Y(0.f), Z(0.f) {}
123  /// Constructor
124  AkVertex(AkReal32 in_X, AkReal32 in_Y, AkReal32 in_Z) : X(in_X), Y(in_Y), Z(in_Z) {}
126  AkReal32 X; ///< X coordinate
127  AkReal32 Y; ///< Y coordinate
128  AkReal32 Z; ///< Z coordinate
129 };
131 /// AkExtent describes an extent with width, height and depth. halfWidth, halfHeight and halfDepth should form a vector from the centre of the volume to the positive corner.
132 /// Used in \c AkPortalParams, negative values in the extent will cause an error. For rooms, negative values can be used to opt out of room transmission.
133 struct AkExtent
134 {
135  AkExtent() {}
137  AkExtent(AkReal32 in_halfWidth, AkReal32 in_halfHeight, AkReal32 in_halfDepth)
138  : halfWidth(in_halfWidth)
139  , halfHeight(in_halfHeight)
140  , halfDepth(in_halfDepth)
141  {}
146 };
148 /// Triangle for a spatial audio mesh.
150 {
151  /// Constructor
156  {}
158  /// Constructor
159  AkTriangle(AkVertIdx in_pt0, AkVertIdx in_pt1, AkVertIdx in_pt2, AkSurfIdx in_surfaceInfo)
160  : point0(in_pt0)
161  , point1(in_pt1)
162  , point2(in_pt2)
163  , surface(in_surfaceInfo)
164  {}
166  /// Index into the vertex table passed into \c AkGeometryParams that describes the first vertex of the triangle. Triangles are double-sided, so vertex order in not important.
169  /// Index into the vertex table passed into \c AkGeometryParams that describes the second vertex of the triangle. Triangles are double-sided, so vertex order in not important.
172  /// Index into the vertex table passed into \c AkGeometryParams that describes the third vertex of the triangle. Triangles are double-sided, so vertex order in not important.
175  /// Index into the surface table passed into \c AkGeometryParams that describes the surface properties of the triangle.
176  /// If this field is left as \c AK_INVALID_SURFACE, then a default-constructed \c AkAcousticSurface is used.
178 };
180 /// Describes the acoustic surface properties of one or more triangles.
181 /// An single acoustic surface may describe any number of triangles, depending on the granularity desired. For example, if desired for debugging, one could create a unique
182 /// \c AkAcousticSurface struct for each triangle, and define a unique name for each. Alternatively, a single \c AkAcousticSurface could be used to describe all triangles.
183 /// In fact it is not necessary to define any acoustic surfaces at all. If the \c AkTriangle::surface field is left as \c AK_INVALID_SURFACE, then a default-constructed \c AkAcousticSurface is used.
185 {
186  /// Constructor
188  , transmissionLoss(1.0f)
189  , strName(NULL)
190  {}
192  /// Acoustic texture ShareSet ID for the surface. The acoustic texture is authored in Wwise, and the shareset ID may be obtained by calling \c AK::SoundEngine::GetIDFromString
193  /// \sa <tt>\ref AK::SoundEngine::GetIDFromString()</tt>
196  /// Transmission loss value to apply when simulating sound transmission through this geometric surface.
197  /// Transmission is only simulated on a sound when the sound has <b>Enable Diffraction and Transmission</b> box
198  /// enabled in Wwise Authoring.
199  ///
200  /// If more that one surface is intersected between the emitter and the listener, the maximum of all surfaces' transmission loss values is used.
201  ///
202  /// Transmission loss is applied on the mix connection between the emitter and the listener for the dry path, and between the emitter and the room for the wet path.
203  /// The transmission loss value is converted to volume attenuation, low-pass and/or high-pass filtering, using the transmission loss curves defined on the sound in Wwise Authoring.
204  ///
205  /// A transmission loss value of 0 has special meaning in some contexts:
206  /// - Setting a transmission loss value of 0 effectively disables a surface for ray intersection. It is ignored for all diffraction and reflection calculations.
207  /// - When geometry is used to define the shape of a Reverb Zone, surfaces with a transmission loss of 0 define the center of the transition between the Reverb Zone and its parent Room.
208  /// Only surfaces with transmission loss of 0 define the transition region, allowing the user to have transitions around parts of the geometry (certain walls, for example), and not others.
209  /// Valid range: (0.f-1.f)
210  /// - \ref AkRoomParams
211  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetReverbZone
214  /// Name to describe this surface
215  const char* strName;
216 };
218 /// Structure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated via the geometric reflections API. Useful for debug draw applications.
220 {
221  /// Apparent source of the reflected sound that follows this path.
224  /// Vertices of the indirect path.
225  /// pathPoint[0] is closest to the emitter, pathPoint[numPathPoints-1] is closest to the listener.
228  /// The surfaces that were hit in the path.
229  /// surfaces[0] is closest to the emitter, surfaces[numPathPoints-1] is closest to the listener.
232  /// Number of valid elements in the \c pathPoint[], \c surfaces[], and \c diffraction[] arrays.
235  /// Number of reflections in the \c pathPoint[] array. Shadow zone diffraction does not count as a reflection. If there is no shadow zone diffraction, \c numReflections is equal to \c numPathPoints.
238  /// Diffraction amount, normalized to the range [0,1]
241  /// Linear gain applied to image source.
244  /// Deprecated - always false. Occluded paths are not generated.
246 };
248 /// Structure for retrieving information about paths for a given emitter.
249 /// The diffraction paths represent indirect sound paths from the emitter to the listener, whether they go through portals
250 /// (via the rooms and portals API) or are diffracted around edges (via the geometric diffraction API).
251 /// The direct path is included here and can be identified by checking \c nodeCount == 0. The direct path may have a non-zero transmission loss
252 /// if it passes through geometry or between rooms.
254 {
255  /// Defines the maximum number of nodes that a user can retrieve information about. Longer paths will be truncated.
258  /// Diffraction points along the path. nodes[0] is the point closest to the listener; nodes[numNodes-1] is the point closest to the emitter.
259  /// Neither the emitter position nor the listener position are represented in this array.
262  /// Emitter position. This is the source position for an emitter. In all cases, except for radial emitters, it is the same position as the game object position.
263  /// For radial emitters, it is the calculated position at the edge of the volume.
266  /// Raw diffraction angles at each point, in radians.
269  /// ID of the portals that the path passes through. For a given node at position i (in the nodes array), if the path diffracts on a geometric edge, then portals[i] will be an invalid portal ID (ie. portals[i].IsValid() will return false).
270  /// Otherwise, if the path diffracts through a portal at position i, then portals[i] will be the ID of that portal.
271  /// portal[0] represents the node closest to the listener; portal[numNodes-1] represents the node closest to the emitter.
274  /// ID's of the rooms that the path passes through. For a given node at position i, room[i] is the room on the listener's side of the node. If node i diffracts through a portal,
275  /// then rooms[i] is on the listener's side of the portal, and rooms[i+1] is on the emitters side of the portal.
276  /// There is always one extra slot for a room so that the emitters room is always returned in slot room[numNodes] (assuming the path has not been truncated).
279  /// Virtual emitter position. This is the position that is passed to the sound engine to render the audio using multi-positioning, for this particular path.
282  /// Total number of nodes in the path. Defines the number of valid entries in the \c nodes, \c angles, and \c portals arrays. The \c rooms array has one extra slot to fit the emitter's room.
285  /// Calculated total diffraction from this path, normalized to the range [0,1]
286  /// The diffraction amount is calculated from the sum of the deviation angles from a straight line, of all angles at each nodePoint.
287  // Can be thought of as how far into the 'shadow region' the sound has to 'bend' to reach the listener.
288  /// This value is applied internally, by spatial audio, as the Diffraction value and built-in parameter of the emitter game object.
289  /// \sa
290  /// - \ref AkSpatialAudioInitSettings
293  /// Calculated total transmission loss from this path, normalized to the range [0,1]
294  /// This field will be 0 for diffraction paths where \c nodeCount > 0. It may be non-zero for the direct path where \c nodeCount == 0.
295  /// The path's transmission loss value might be geometric transmission loss, if geometry was intersected in the path,
296  /// or room transmission loss, if no geometry was available.
297  /// The geometric transmission loss is calculated from the transmission loss values assigned to the geometry that this path transmits through.
298  /// If a path transmits through multiple geometries with different transmission loss values, the largest value is taken.
299  /// The room transmission loss is taken from the emitter and listener rooms' transmission loss values, and likewise,
300  /// if the listener's room and the emitter's room have different transmission loss values, the greater of the two is used.
301  /// This value is applied internally, by spatial audio, as the Transmission Loss value and built-in parameter of the emitter game object.
302  /// \sa
303  /// - \ref AkSpatialAudioInitSettings
304  /// - \ref AkRoomParams
305  /// - \ref AkAcousticSurface
308  /// Total path length
309  /// Represents the sum of the length of the individual segments between nodes, with a correction factor applied for diffraction.
310  /// The correction factor simulates the phenomenon where by diffracted sound waves decay faster than incident sound waves and can be customized in the spatial audio init settings.
311  /// \sa
312  /// - \ref AkSpatialAudioInitSettings
315  /// Obstruction value for this path
316  /// This value includes the accumulated portal obstruction for all portals along the path.
319  /// Occlusion value for this path
320  /// This value includes the accumulated portal occlusion for all portals along the path.
322 };
324 /// Parameters passed to \c SetPortal
326 {
327  /// Constructor
329  bEnabled(false)
330  {}
332  /// Portal's position and orientation in the 3D world.
333  /// Position vector is the center of the opening.
334  /// OrientationFront vector must be unit-length and point along the normal of the portal, and must be orthogonal to Up. It defines the local positive-Z dimension (depth/transition axis) of the portal, used by Extent.
335  /// OrientationTop vector must be unit-length and point along the top of the portal (tangent to the wall), must be orthogonal to Front. It defines the local positive-Y direction (height) of the portal, used by Extent.
338  /// Portal extent. Defines the dimensions of the portal relative to its center; all components must be positive numbers.
339  /// The shape described by these extents is used to "cut out" the opening shape of room geometry. Geometry that overlaps the portal extent is effectively ignored.
340  /// The depth dimension is used to perform transitions between connected rooms by manipulating game-defined auxiliary sends.
341  /// The depth dimension is also used to place game objects into rooms while they are inside the portals.
342  /// \sa
343  /// - \ref AkExtent
346  /// Whether or not the portal is active/enabled. For example, this parameter may be used to simulate open/closed doors.
347  /// Portal diffraction is simulated when at least one portal exists and is active between an emitter and the listener.
348  /// To simulate a door that opens or closes gradually, use \c AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion to apply occlusion to a portal, according to the door's opening amount.
349  /// \sa
350  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion
351  bool bEnabled;
353  /// ID of the room to which the portal connects, in the direction of the Front vector. If a room with this ID has not been added via AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom,
354  /// a room will be created with this ID and with default AkRoomParams. If you would later like to update the AkRoomParams, simply call AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom again with this same ID.
355  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
356  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveRoom
357  /// - \ref AkRoomParams
360  /// ID of the room to which the portal connects, in the direction opposite to the Front vector. If a room with this ID has not been added via AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom,
361  /// a room will be created with this ID and with default AkRoomParams. If you would later like to update the AkRoomParams, simply call AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom again with this same ID.
362  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
363  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveRoom
364  /// - \ref AkRoomParams
366 };
368 /// Parameters passed to \c SetRoom
370 {
371  /// Constructor
373  , ReverbLevel(1.f)
374  , TransmissionLoss(1.f)
377  , RoomPriority(100)
378  {
379  // default invalid values
380  Up.X = 0.f;
381  Up.Y = 1.f;
382  Up.Z = 0.f;
383  Front.X = 0.f;
384  Front.Y = 0.f;
385  Front.Z = 1.f;
386  }
388  /// Room Orientation. Up and Front must be orthonormal.
389  /// Room orientation has an effect when the associated aux bus (see ReverbAuxBus) is set with 3D Spatialization in Wwise, as 3D Spatialization implements relative rotation of the emitter (room) and listener.
392  /// Room Orientation. Up and Front must be orthonormal.
393  /// Room orientation has an effect when the associated aux bus (see ReverbAuxBus) is set with 3D Spatialization in Wwise, as 3D Spatialization implements relative rotation of the emitter (room) and listener.
396  /// The reverb aux bus that is associated with this room.
397  /// When Spatial Audio is told that a game object is in a particular room via SetGameObjectInRoom, a send to this aux bus will be created to model the reverb of the room.
398  /// Using a combination of Rooms and Portals, Spatial Audio manages which game object the aux bus is spawned on, and what control gain is sent to the bus.
399  /// When a game object is inside a connected portal, as defined by the portal's orientation and extent vectors, both this aux send and the aux send of the adjacent room are active.
400  /// Spatial audio modulates the control value for each send based on the game object's position, in relation to the portal's z-azis and extent, to crossfade the reverb between the two rooms.
401  /// If more advanced control of reverb is desired, SetGameObjectAuxSendValues can be used to add additional sends on to a game object.
402  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectInRoom
403  /// - \ref AK::SoundEngine::SetGameObjectAuxSendValues
406  /// The reverb control value for the send to ReverbAuxBus. Valid range: (0.f-1.f)
407  /// Can be used to implement multiple rooms that share the same aux bus, but have different reverb levels.
410  /// Characteristic transmission loss value for the Room, describing the average amount of sound energy dissipated by the walls of the room.
411  ///
412  /// The Room transmission loss value is used in the following situations:
413  /// 1) If a room tone is playing on the Room Game Object, in a different room than that of the listener.
414  /// Transmission loss is only applied when the listener and the emitter are in different rooms.
415  /// It is taken as the maximum between the emitter's room's transmission loss value and the listener's room's transmission loss value.
416  /// 2) If, for both the emitter and listener's Rooms, geometry is not assigned with \c AkRoomParams::GeometryInstanceID, or the Geometry Instance that is assigned
417  /// has \c AkGeometryInstanceParams::UseForReflectionAndDiffraction set to false. In this case, room transmission loss is applied
418  /// to the direct path when the emitter and listener are in different rooms.
419  /// When geometry is available, the transmission loss value is calculated instead by intersecting a ray with the geometry between the emitter and listener.
420  /// Transmission loss on geometry overrides room transmission loss, allowing a room to have varying degrees of transmission loss (for example, some transparent walls and some opaque walls).
421  /// 3) To spatialize the output of the Room Game Object. A low transmission loss value emphasizes panning the room
422  /// towards the room's center (the center of the room bounding box) and a higher value emphasizes panning towards the room's portals.
423  ///
424  /// When room transmission is applied directly to either a room tone (situation 1) or a point source emitter (situation 2), it is applied on the mix connection between the sound and the room.
425  /// The transmission loss value is converted to volume attenuation, low-pass and/or high-pass filtering, using the transmission loss curves defined on the sound in Wwise Authoring.
426  ///
427  /// \aknote Even when relying on geometry for detailed transmission loss values (per triangle), it is still necessary to set \c AkSoundParams::TransmissionLoss to a representitive value so that
428  /// the output of the Room Game Object is properly spatialized (situation 3).
429  ///
430  /// Valid range: (0.f-1.f)
431  /// - \ref AkAcousticSurface
434  /// Send level for sounds that are posted on the room game object; adds reverb to ambience and room tones. Valid range: (0.f-1.f). Set to a value greater than 0 to have spatial audio create a send on the room game object,
435  /// where the room game object itself is specified as the listener and ReverbAuxBus is specified as the aux bus. A value of 0 disables the aux send. This should not be confused with ReverbLevel, which is the send level
436  /// for spatial audio emitters sending to the room game object.
437  /// \aknote The room game object can be accessed though the ID that is passed to \c SetRoom() and the \c AkRoomID::AsGameObjectID() method. Posting an event on the room game object leverages automatic room game object placement
438  /// by spatial audio so that when the listener is inside the room, the sound comes from all around the listener, and when the listener is outside the room, the sound comes from the portal(s). Typically, this would be used for
439  /// surround ambiance beds or room tones. Point source sounds should use separate game objects that are registered as spatial audio emitters.
440  /// \sa
441  /// - \ref AkRoomParams::RoomGameObj_KeepRegistered
442  /// - \ref AkRoomID
445  /// If set to true, the room game object is registered on calling \c SetRoom(), and not released until the room is deleted or removed with \c RemoveRoom(). If set to false, Spatial Audio registers
446  /// the room object only when it is needed by the sound propagation system for the purposes of reverb, and unregisters the game object when all reverb tails are finished.
447  /// We recommend that you set RoomGameObj_KeepRegistered to true if you use RTPCs on the room game object, if you call \c SetScalingFactor(), or call \c PostEvent() for the purpose of ambience or room tones.
448  /// \aknote The room game object can be accessed through the ID that is passed to \c SetRoom() and the \c AkRoomID::AsGameObjectID() method. Posting an event on the room game object uses automatic room game object placement
449  /// by Spatial Audio so that when the listener is inside the room, the sound comes from all around the listener, and when the listener is outside the room, the sound comes from the portal(s). Typically, this would be used for
450  /// surround ambience beds or room tones. For point source sounds, use separate game objects that are registered as Spatial Audio emitters.
451  /// \sa
452  /// - \ref AkRoomParams::RoomGameObj_AuxSendLevelToSelf
453  /// - \ref AkRoomID
456  /// Assign a Geometry Instance \c GeometryInstanceID, which describes the size and shape of the Room.
457  /// Assigning a Geometry Instance to a Room serves several purposes: the shape and surface properties of the geometry are used to calculate the transmission of reverb and room tones through walls,
458  /// it allows Spatial Audio to automatically determine which Game Objects are in which Room, and it allows for visualization of the room inside the Game Object 3D Viewer.
459  /// To create Room geometry, a Geometry Set must be created using AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry, and then a Geometry Instance must be created using AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance.
460  /// The Room itself, however, can be created either before or after the geometry is created.
461  /// \aknote If the geometry instance is only used for room containment and not for reflection, diffraction, or transmission, then set \c AkGeometryInstanceParams::UseForReflectionAndDiffraction to false.
462  /// \sa
463  /// - \ref spatial_audio_roomsportals_apiconfigroomgeometry
464  /// - \ref AkGeometryInstanceParams
465  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectInRoom
468  /// Associate a priority with this room. Room priority is used by the room containment system to disambiguate cases where an object is inside several rooms at the same time. In this case, the room with the higher priority is selected.
469  /// RoomPriority is in the range [1, inf[. Default priority is 100.
470  /// \aknote If several rooms have the same highest room priority, the inner one is selected.
474 };
476 /// Parameters passed to \c SetGeometry
478 {
479  /// Constructor
482  /// Pointer to an array of AkTriangle structures.
483  /// This array will be copied into spatial audio memory and will not be accessed after \c SetGeometry returns.
484  /// - \ref AkTriangle
485  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry
486  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry
489  /// Number of triangles in Triangles.
492  /// Pointer to an array of AkVertex structures.
493  /// This array will be copied into spatial audio memory and will not be accessed after \c SetGeometry returns.
494  /// - \ref AkVertex
495  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry
496  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry
499  ///< Number of vertices in Vertices.
502  ///< Pointer to an array of AkAcousticSurface structures.
503  /// This array will be copied into spatial audio memory and will not be accessed after \c SetGeometry returns.
504  /// - \ref AkVertex
505  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry
506  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry
509  /// Number of of AkTriangleInfo structures in in_pTriangleInfo and number of AkTriIdx's in in_infoMap.
512  /// Switch to enable or disable geometric diffraction for this Geometry.
515  /// Switch to enable or disable geometric diffraction on boundary edges for this Geometry. Boundary edges are edges that are connected to only one triangle.
517 };
525 #define AK_DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_TOP_X (0.0)
526 #define AK_DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_TOP_Y (1.0)
527 #define AK_DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_TOP_Z (0.0)
529 /// Parameters passed to \c SetGeometryInstance
531 {
532  /// Constructor
533  /// Creates an instance with an identity transform.
534  /// \akwarning A default-constructed AkGeometryInstanceParams assumes the default floor plane is passed to AkInitSettings::eFloorPlane.
536  : Scale({ 1, 1, 1 })
538  {
543  }
545  /// Set the position and orientation of the geometry instance.
546  /// AkWorldTransform uses one vector to define the position of the geometry instance, and two more to define the orientation; a forward vector and an up vector.
547  /// To ensure that a geometry instance has the correct rotation with respect to the game, AkInitSettings::eFloorPlane must be initialized with the correct value.
548  /// \sa
549  /// - \ref AkInitSettings::eFloorPlane
550  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance
551  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometryInstance
554  /// Set the 3-dimensional scaling of the geometry instance.
555  /// \sa
556  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance
557  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometryInstance
560  /// Geometry set referenced by the instance
561  /// \sa
562  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry
563  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry
564  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance
565  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometryInstance
568  /// \akwarning Deprecated - RoomID will be removed in a future version. We recommend that you do not use RoomID, and instead leave it set to the default value (-1)
569  /// Associate this geometry instance with the room \c RoomID. Associating a geometry instance with a particular room will limit the scope in which the geometry is visible/accessible. \c RoomID can be left as default (-1), in which case
570  /// this geometry instance will have a global scope. It is recommended to associate geometry with a room when the geometry is (1) fully contained within the room (ie. not visible to other rooms accept by portals),
571  /// and (2) the room does not share geometry with other rooms. Doing so reduces the search space for ray casting performed by reflection and diffraction calculations. Take note that once one or more geometry instances
572  /// are associated with a room, that room will no longer be able to access geometry that is in the global scope.
573  /// \aknote Reflections will only propagate seamlessly though portals when RoomID is left as default. If geometry instances are assigned to specific rooms, then reflections are only calculated in the listener's room. When using reflections, it is not recommended to assign \c RoomID.
574  /// \aknote RoomID has no effect and is ignored when assigned to a Reverb Zone or to the parent of a Reverb Zone.
575  /// \sa
576  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
577  /// - \ref AkRoomParams
578  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetReverbZone
581  /// When enabled, the geometry instance is indexed for ray computation and used to compute reflection, diffraction, and transmission.
582  /// If the geometry instance is used only for room containment, this flag must be set to false.
583  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
584  /// - \ref AkRoomParams
585  ///
587 };
589 /// Audiokinetic namespace
590 namespace AK
591 {
592  /// Audiokinetic spatial audio namespace
593  namespace SpatialAudio
594  {
595  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
596  /// @name Basic functions.
597  /// In order to use SpatialAudio, you need to initalize it using Init, and register the listeners that you plan on using with any of the services offered by SpatialAudio, using
598  /// RegisterListener respectively, _after_ having registered their corresponding game object to the sound engine.
599  /// \akwarning At the moment, there can be only one Spatial Audio listener registered at any given time.
600  //@{
602  /// Initialize the SpatialAudio API.
605  /// Assign a game object as the Spatial Audio listener. There can be only one Spatial Audio listener registered at any given time; in_gameObjectID will replace any previously set Spatial Audio listener.
606  /// The game object passed in must be registered by the client, at some point, for sound to be heard. It is not necessary to be registered at the time of calling this function.
607  /// If not listener is explicitly registered to spatial audio, then a default listener (set via \c AK::SoundEngine::SetDefaultListeners()) is selected. If the are no default listeners, or there are more than one
608  /// default listeners, then it is necessary to call RegisterListener() to specify which listener to use with Spatial Audio.
610  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID ///< Game object ID
611  );
613  /// Unregister a game object as a listener in the SpatialAudio API; clean up Spatial Audio listener data associated with in_gameObjectID.
614  /// If in_gameObjectID is the current registered listener, calling this function will clear the Spatial Audio listener and
615  /// Spatial Audio features will be disabled until another listener is registered.
616  /// This function is optional - listener are automatically unregistered when their game object is deleted in the sound engine.
617  /// \sa
618  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RegisterListener
620  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID ///< Game object ID
621  );
623  /// Define an inner and outer radius around each sound position for a specified game object.
624  /// If the radii are set to 0, the game object is a point source. Non-zero radii create a Radial Emitter.
625  /// The radii are used in spread and distance calculations that simulates sound emitting from a spherical volume of space.
626  /// When applying attenuation curves, the distance between the listener and the inner sphere (defined by the sound position and \c in_innerRadius) is used.
627  /// The spread for each sound position is calculated as follows:
628  /// - If the listener is outside the outer radius, the spread is defined by the area that the sphere occupies in the listener field of view. Specifically, this angle is calculated as 2.0*asinf( \c in_outerRadius / distance ), where distance is the distance between the listener and the sound position.
629  /// - When the listener intersects the outer radius (the listener is exactly \c in_outerRadius units away from the sound position), the spread is exactly 50%.
630  /// - When the listener is between the inner and outer radii, the spread interpolates linearly from 50% to 100% as the listener transitions from the outer radius towards the inner radius.
631  /// - If the listener is inside the inner radius, the spread is 100%.
632  /// \aknote Transmission and diffraction calculations in Spatial Audio always use the center of the sphere (the position(s) passed into \c AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition or \c AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions) for raycasting.
633  /// To obtain accurate diffraction and transmission calculations for radial sources, where different parts of the volume may take different paths through or around geometry,
634  /// it is necessary to pass multiple sound positions into \c AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions to allow the engine to 'sample' the area at different points.
635  /// - \ref AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition
636  /// - \ref AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions
638  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< Game object ID
639  AkReal32 in_outerRadius, ///< Outer radius around each sound position, defining 50% spread. Must satisfy \c in_innerRadius <= \c in outerRadius.
640  AkReal32 in_innerRadius ///< Inner radius around each sound position, defining 100% spread and 0 attenuation distance. Must satisfy \c in_innerRadius <= \c in outerRadius.
641  );
643  //@}
645  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
646  /// @name Helper functions for passing game data to the Reflect plug-in.
647  /// Use this API for detailed placement of reflection image sources.
648  /// \aknote These functions are low-level and useful when your game engine already implements a geometrical approach to sound propagation such as an image-source or a ray tracing algorithm.
649  /// Functions of Geometry are preferred and easier to use with the Reflect plug-in. \endaknote
650  //@{
652  /// Add or update an individual image source for processing via the AkReflect plug-in. Use this API for detailed placement of
653  /// reflection image sources, whose positions have been determined by the client, such as from the results of a ray cast, computation or by manual placement. One possible
654  /// use case is generating reflections that originate far enough away that they can be modeled as a static point source, for example, off of a distant mountain.
655  /// The SpatialAudio API manages image sources added via SetImageSource() and sends them to the AkReflect plug-in that is on the aux bus with ID \c in_AuxBusID.
656  /// The image source applies all game objects that have a reflections aux send defined in the authoring tool, or only to a specific game object if \c in_gameObjectID is used.
657  /// \aknote The \c AkImageSourceSettings struct passed in \c in_info must contain a unique image source ID to be able to identify this image source across frames and when updating and/or removing it later.
658  /// Each instance of AkReflect has its own set of data, so you may reuse ID, if desired, as long as \c in_gameObjectID and \c in_AuxBusID are different.
659  /// \aknote It is possible for the AkReflect plugin to process reflections from both \c SetImageSource and the geometric reflections API on the same aux bus and game object, but be aware that image source ID collisions are possible.
660  /// The image source IDs used by the geometric reflections API are generated from hashed data that uniquely identifies the reflecting surfaces. If a collision occurs, one of the reflections will not be heard.
661  /// While collision are rare, to ensure that it never occurs use an aux bus for \c SetImageSource that is unique from the aux bus(es) defined in the authoring tool, and from those passed to \c SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend.
662  /// \endaknote
663  /// \aknote For proper operation with AkReflect and the SpatialAudio API, any aux bus using AkReflect should have 'Listener Relative Routing' checked and the 3D Spatialization set to None in the Wwise authoring tool. See \ref spatial_audio_wwiseprojectsetup_businstances for more details. \endaknote
664  /// \sa
665  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveImageSource
666  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::ClearImageSources
667  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectInRoom
668  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend
670  AkImageSourceID in_srcID, ///< The ID of the image source being added.
671  const AkImageSourceSettings& in_info, ///< Image source information.
672  const char* in_name, ///< Name given to image source, can be used to identify the image source in the AK Reflect plugin UI.
673  AkUniqueID in_AuxBusID = AK_INVALID_AUX_ID, ///< Aux bus that has the AkReflect plug in for early reflection DSP.
674  ///< Pass AK_INVALID_AUX_ID to use the reflections aux bus defined in the authoring tool.
675  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT ///< The ID of the emitter game object to which the image source applies.
676  ///< Pass AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT to apply to all game objects that have a reflections aux bus assigned in the authoring tool.
677  );
679  /// Remove an individual reflection image source that was previously added via \c SetImageSource.
680  /// \sa
681  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetImageSource
682  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::ClearImageSources
684  AkImageSourceID in_srcID, ///< The ID of the image source to remove.
685  AkUniqueID in_AuxBusID = AK_INVALID_AUX_ID, ///< Aux bus that was passed to SetImageSource.
686  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT ///< Game object ID that was passed to SetImageSource.
687  );
689  /// Remove all image sources matching \c in_AuxBusID and \c in_gameObjectID that were previously added via \c SetImageSource.
690  /// Both \c in_AuxBusID and \c in_gameObjectID can be treated as wild cards matching all aux buses and/or all game object, by passing \c AK_INVALID_AUX_ID and/or \c AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT, respectively.
691  /// \sa
692  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetImageSource
693  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveImageSource
695  AkUniqueID in_AuxBusID = AK_INVALID_AUX_ID, ///< Aux bus that was passed to SetImageSource, or AK_INVALID_AUX_ID to match all aux buses.
696  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT ///< Game object ID that was passed to SetImageSource, or AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT to match all game objects.
697  );
699  //@}
701  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
702  /// @name Geometry
703  /// Geometry API for early reflection processing using Reflect.
704  //@{
706  /// Add or update a set of geometry from the \c SpatialAudio module for geometric reflection and diffraction processing. A geometry set is a logical set of vertices, triangles, and acoustic surfaces,
707  /// which are referenced by the same \c AkGeometrySetID. The ID (\c in_GeomSetID) must be unique and is also chosen by the client in a manner similar to \c AkGameObjectID's.
708  /// It is necessary to create at least one geometry instance for each geometry set that is to be used for diffraction and reflection simulation.
709  /// \sa
710  /// - \ref AkGeometryParams
711  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance
712  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry
714  AkGeometrySetID in_GeomSetID, ///< Unique geometry set ID, chosen by client.
715  const AkGeometryParams& in_params ///< Geometry parameters to set.
716  );
718  /// Remove a set of geometry to the SpatialAudio API.
719  /// Calling \c AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry will remove all instances of the geometry from the scene.
720  /// \sa
721  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry
723  AkGeometrySetID in_SetID ///< ID of geometry set to be removed.
724  );
726  /// Add or update a geometry instance from the \c SpatialAudio module for geometric reflection and diffraction processing.
727  /// A geometry instance is a unique instance of a geometry set with a specified transform (position, rotation and scale).
728  /// It is necessary to create at least one geometry instance for each geometry set that is to be used for diffraction and reflection simulation.
729  /// The ID (\c in_GeomSetInstanceID) must be unique amongst all geometry instances, including geometry instances referencing different geometry sets. The ID is chosen by the client in a manner similar to \c AkGameObjectID's.
730  /// To update the transform of an existing geometry instance, call SetGeometryInstance again, passing the same \c AkGeometryInstanceID, with the updated transform.
731  /// \sa
732  /// - \ref AkGeometryInstanceParams
733  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometryInstance
735  AkGeometryInstanceID in_GeometryInstanceID, ///< Unique geometry set instance ID, chosen by client.
736  const AkGeometryInstanceParams& in_params ///< Geometry instance parameters to set.
737  );
739  /// Remove a geometry instance from the SpatialAudio API.
740  /// \sa
741  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance
743  AkGeometryInstanceID in_GeometryInstanceID ///< ID of geometry set instance to be removed.
744  );
746  /// Query information about the reflection paths that have been calculated via geometric reflection processing in the SpatialAudio API. This function can be used for debugging purposes.
747  /// This function must acquire the global sound engine lock and therefore, may block waiting for the lock.
748  /// \sa
749  /// - \ref AkReflectionPathInfo
751  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< The ID of the game object that the client wishes to query.
752  AkUInt32 in_positionIndex, ///< The index of the associated game object position.
753  AkVector64& out_listenerPos, ///< Returns the position of the listener game object that is associated with the game object \c in_gameObjectID.
754  AkVector64& out_emitterPos, ///< Returns the position of the emitter game object \c in_gameObjectID.
755  AkReflectionPathInfo* out_aPaths, ///< Pointer to an array of \c AkReflectionPathInfo's which will be filled after returning.
756  AkUInt32& io_uArraySize ///< The number of slots in \c out_aPaths, after returning the number of valid elements written.
757  );
759  //@}
761  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
762  /// @name Rooms and Portals
763  /// Sound Propagation API using rooms and portals.
764  //@{
766  /// Add or update a room. Rooms are used to connect portals and define an orientation for oriented reverbs. This function may be called multiple times with the same ID to update the parameters of the room.
767  /// \akwarning The ID (\c in_RoomID) must be chosen in the same manner as \c AkGameObjectID's, as they are in the same ID-space. The spatial audio lib manages the
768  /// registration/unregistration of internal game objects for rooms that use these IDs and, therefore, must not collide.
769  /// Also, the room ID must not be in the reserved range (AkUInt64)(-32) to (AkUInt64)(-2) inclusively. You may, however, explicitly add the default room ID AK::SpatialAudio::kOutdoorRoomID (-1)
770  /// in order to customize its AkRoomParams, to provide a valid auxiliary bus, for example.\endakwarning
771  /// \sa
772  /// - \ref AkRoomID
773  /// - \ref AkRoomParams
774  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveRoom
776  AkRoomID in_RoomID, ///< Unique room ID, chosen by the client.
777  const AkRoomParams& in_Params, ///< Parameter for the room.
778  const char* in_RoomName = nullptr /// Name used to identify room (optional)
779  );
781  /// Remove a room.
782  /// \sa
783  /// - \ref AkRoomID
784  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
786  AkRoomID in_RoomID ///< Room ID that was passed to \c SetRoom.
787  );
789  /// Add or update an acoustic portal. A portal is an opening that connects two or more rooms to simulate the transmission of reverberated (indirect) sound between the rooms.
790  /// This function may be called multiple times with the same ID to update the parameters of the portal. The ID (\c in_PortalID) must be chosen in the same manner as \c AkGameObjectID's,
791  /// as they are in the same ID-space. The spatial audio lib manages the registration/unregistration of internal game objects for portals that use these IDs, and therefore must not collide.
792  /// \sa
793  /// - \ref AkPortalID
794  /// - \ref AkPortalParams
795  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemovePortal
797  AkPortalID in_PortalID, ///< Unique portal ID, chosen by the client.
798  const AkPortalParams& in_Params, ///< Parameter for the portal.
799  const char* in_PortalName = nullptr /// Name used to identify portal (optional)
800  );
802  /// Remove a portal.
803  /// \sa
804  /// - \ref AkPortalID
805  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortal
807  AkPortalID in_PortalID ///< ID of portal to be removed, which was originally passed to SetPortal.
808  );
810  /// Use a Room as a Reverb Zone.
811  /// AK::SpatialAudio::SetReverbZone establishes a parent-child relationship between two Rooms and allows for sound propagation between them
812  /// as if they were the same Room, without the need for a connecting Portal. Setting a Room as a Reverb Zone
813  /// is useful in situations where two or more acoustic environments are not easily modeled as closed rooms connected by portals.
814  /// Possible uses for Reverb Zones include: a covered area with no walls, a forested area within an outdoor space, or any situation
815  /// where multiple reverb effects are desired within a common space. Reverb Zones have many advantages compared to standard Game-Defined
816  /// Auxiliary Sends. They are part of the wet path, and form reverb chains with other Rooms; they are spatialized according to their 3D extent;
817  /// they are also subject to other acoustic phenomena simulated in Wwise Spatial Audio, such as diffraction and transmission.
818  /// A parent Room may have multiple Reverb Zones, but a Reverb Zone can only have a single Parent. If a Room is already assigned
819  /// to a parent Room, it will first be removed from the old parent (exactly as if AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveReverbZone were called)
820  /// before then being assigned to the new parent Room. A Room can not be its own parent.
821  /// The Reverb Zone and its parent are both Rooms, and as such, must be specified using AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom.
822  /// If AK::SpatialAudio::SetReverbZone is called before AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom, and either of the two rooms do not yet exist,
823  /// placeholder Rooms with default parameters are created. They should be subsequently parameteized with AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom.
824  ///
825  /// To set which Reverb Zone a Game Object is in, use the AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectInRoom API, and pass the Reverb Zone's Room ID.
826  /// In Wwise Spatial Audio, a Game Object can only ever be inside a single room, and Reverb Zones are no different in this regard.
827  /// \aknote
828  /// The automatically created 'outdoors' Room is commonly used as a parent Room for Reverb Zones, since they often model open spaces.
829  /// To attach a Reverb zone to outdoors, pass AK::SpatialAudio::kOutdoorRoomID as the \c in_ParentRoom argument. Like all Rooms, the 'outdoors' Room
830  /// can be parameterized (for example, to assign a reverb bus) by passing AK::SpatialAudio::kOutdoorRoomID to AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom.
831  /// \sa
832  /// - \ref AkRoomID
833  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
834  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveRoom
835  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveReverbZone
836  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::kOutdoorRoomID
838  AkRoomID in_ReverbZone, // ID of the Room which will be specified as a Reverb Zone.
839  AkRoomID in_ParentRoom, // ID of the parent Room.
840  AkReal32 in_transitionRegionWidth // Width of the transition region between the Reverb Zone and its parent. The transition region is centered around the Reverb Zone geometry. It only applies where triangle transmission loss is set to 0.
841  );
843  /// Remove a Reverb Zone from its parent.
844  /// It will no longer be possible for sound to propagate between the two rooms, unless they are explicitly connected with a Portal.
845  /// \sa
846  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetReverbZone
847  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveRoom
848  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveReverbZone
850  AkRoomID in_ReverbZone // ID of the Room which has been specified as a Reverb Zone.
851  );
853  /// Set the room that the game object is currently located in - usually the result of a containment test performed by the client. The room must have been registered with \c SetRoom.
854  /// Setting the room for a game object provides the basis for the sound propagation service, and also sets which room's reverb aux bus to send to. The sound propagation service traces the path
855  /// of the sound from the emitter to the listener, and calculates the diffraction as the sound passes through each portal. The portals are used to define the spatial location of the diffracted and reverberated
856  /// audio.
857  /// \sa
858  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
859  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveRoom
861  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< Game object ID
862  AkRoomID in_CurrentRoomID ///< RoomID that was passed to \c AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
863  );
865  /// Unset the room that the game object is currently located in.
866  /// When a game object has not been explicitly assigned to a room with \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectInRoom, the room is automatically computed.
867  /// \sa
868  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetRoom
869  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveRoom
871  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID ///< Game object ID
872  );
874  /// Set the early reflections order for reflection calculation. The reflections order indicates the number of times sound can bounce off of a surface.
875  /// A higher number requires more CPU resources but results in denser early reflections. Set to 0 to globally disable reflections processing.
877  AkUInt32 in_uReflectionsOrder, ///< Number of reflections to calculate. Valid range [0,4]
878  bool in_bUpdatePaths ///< Set to true to clear existing higher-order paths and to force the re-computation of new paths. If false, existing paths will remain and new paths will be computed when the emitter or listener moves.
879  );
881  /// Set the diffraction order for geometric path calculation. The diffraction order indicates the number of edges a sound can diffract around.
882  /// A higher number requires more CPU resources but results in paths found around more complex geometry. Set to 0 to globally disable geometric diffraction processing.
883  /// \sa
884  /// - \ref AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::uMaxDiffractionOrder
886  AkUInt32 in_uDiffractionOrder, ///< Number of diffraction edges to consider in path calculations. Valid range [0,8]
887  bool in_bUpdatePaths ///< Set to true to clear existing diffraction paths and to force the re-computation of new paths. If false, existing paths will remain and new paths will be computed when the emitter or listener moves.
888  );
890  /// Set the maximum number of game-defined auxiliary sends that can originate from a single emitter.
891  /// Set to 1 to only allow emitters to send directly to their current room. Set to 0 to disable the limit.
892  /// \sa
893  /// - \ref AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::uMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends
895  AkUInt32 in_uMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends ///< The maximum number of room aux send connections.
896  );
898  /// Set the number of rays cast from the listener by the stochastic ray casting engine.
899  /// A higher number requires more CPU resources but provides more accurate results. Default value (35) should be good for most applications.
900  ///
902  AkUInt32 in_uNbPrimaryRays ///< Number of rays cast from the listener
903  );
905  /// Set the number of frames on which the path validation phase will be spread. Value between [1..[
906  /// High values delay the validation of paths. A value of 1 indicates no spread at all.
907  ///
909  AkUInt32 in_uNbFrames ///< Number of spread frames
910  );
912  /// Set an early reflections auxiliary bus for a particular game object.
913  /// Geometrical reflection calculation inside spatial audio is enabled for a game object if any sound playing on the game object has a valid early reflections aux bus specified in the authoring tool,
914  /// or if an aux bus is specified via \c SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend.
915  /// The \c in_auxBusID parameter of SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend applies to sounds playing on the game object \c in_gameObjectID which have not specified an early reflection bus in the authoring tool -
916  /// the parameter specified on individual sounds' reflection bus takes priority over the value passed in to \c SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend.
917  /// \aknote
918  /// Users may apply this function to avoid duplicating sounds in the actor-mixer hierarchy solely for the sake of specifying a unique early reflection bus, or in any situation where the same
919  /// sound should be played on different game objects with different early reflection aux buses (the early reflection bus must be left blank in the authoring tool if the user intends to specify it through the API). \endaknote
921  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< Game object ID
922  AkAuxBusID in_auxBusID ///< Auxiliary bus ID. Applies only to sounds which have not specified an early reflection bus in the authoring tool. Pass \c AK_INVALID_AUX_ID to set only the send volume.
923  );
925  /// Set an early reflections send volume for a particular game object.
926  /// The \c in_fSendVolume parameter is used to control the volume of the early reflections send. It is combined with the early reflections volume specified in the authoring tool, and is applied to all sounds
927  /// playing on the game object.
928  /// Setting \c in_fSendVolume to 0.f will disable all reflection processing for this game object.
930  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< Game object ID
931  AkReal32 in_fSendVolume ///< Send volume (linear) for auxiliary send. Set 0.f to disable reflection processing. Valid range 0.f-1.f.
932  );
934  /// Set the obstruction and occlusion value for a portal that has been registered with Spatial Audio.
935  /// Portal obstruction simulates objects that block the direct sound path between the portal and the listener, but
936  /// allows indirect sound to pass around the obstacle. For example, use portal obstruction
937  /// when a piece of furniture blocks the line of sight of the portal opening.
938  /// Portal obstruction is applied to the connection between the emitter and the listener, and only affects the dry signal path.
939  /// Portal occlusion simulates a complete blockage of both the direct and indirect sound through a portal. For example, use portal occlusion for
940  /// opening or closing a door or window.
941  /// Portal occlusion is applied to the connection between the emitter and the first room in the chain, as well as the connection between the emitter and listener.
942  /// Portal occlusion affects both the dry and wet (reverberant) signal paths.
943  /// If you are using built-in game parameters to drive RTPCs, the obstruction and occlusion values set here
944  /// do not affect the RTPC values. This behavior is intentional and occurs because RTPCs only provide one
945  /// value per game object, but a single game object can have multiple paths through different Portals,
946  /// each with different obstruction and occlusion values.
947  /// To apply detailed obstruction to specific sound paths but not others, use \c AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectToPortalObstruction and \c AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalToPortalObstruction.
948  /// To apply occlusion and obstruction to the direct line of sight between the emitter and listener use \c AK::SoundEngine::SetObjectObstructionAndOcclusion.
949  /// \sa
950  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectToPortalObstruction
951  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalToPortalObstruction
952  /// - \ref AK::SoundEngine::SetObjectObstructionAndOcclusion
954  AkPortalID in_PortalID, ///< Portal ID.
955  AkReal32 in_fObstruction, ///< Obstruction value. Valid range 0.f-1.f
956  AkReal32 in_fOcclusion ///< Occlusion value. Valid range 0.f-1.f
957  );
959  /// Set the obstruction value of the path between a game object and a portal that has been created by Spatial Audio.
960  /// The obstruction value is applied on one of the path segments of the sound between the emitter and the listener.
961  /// Diffraction must be enabled on the sound for a diffraction path to be created.
962  /// Also, there should not be any portals between the provided game object and portal ID parameters.
963  /// The obstruction value is used to simulate objects between the portal and the game object that are obstructing the sound.
964  /// Send an obstruction value of 0 to ensure the value is removed from the internal data structure.
965  /// \sa
966  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion
968  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< Game object ID
969  AkPortalID in_PortalID, ///< Portal ID
970  AkReal32 in_fObstruction ///< Obstruction value. Valid range 0.f-1.f
971  );
973  /// Set the obstruction value of the path between two portals that has been created by Spatial Audio.
974  /// The obstruction value is applied on one of the path segments of the sound between the emitter and the listener.
975  /// Diffraction must be enabled on the sound for a diffraction path to be created.
976  /// Also, there should not be any portals between the two provided ID parameters.
977  /// The obstruction value is used to simulate objects between the portals that are obstructing the sound.
978  /// Send an obstruction value of 0 to ensure the value is removed from the internal data structure.
979  /// \sa
980  /// - \ref AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion
982  AkPortalID in_PortalID0, ///< Portal ID
983  AkPortalID in_PortalID1, ///< Portal ID
984  AkReal32 in_fObstruction ///< Obstruction value. Valid range 0.f-1.f
985  );
987  /// Query information about the wet diffraction amount for the portal \c in_portal, returned as a normalized value \c out_wetDiffraction in the range [0,1].
988  /// The wet diffraction is calculated from how far into the 'shadow region' the listener is from the portal. Unlike dry diffraction, the
989  /// wet diffraction does not depend on the incident angle, but only the normal of the portal.
990  /// This value is applied by spatial audio, to the Diffraction value and built-in game parameter of the room game object that is
991  /// on the other side of the portal (relative to the listener).
992  /// This function must acquire the global sound engine lock and therefore, may block waiting for the lock.
993  /// \sa
994  /// - \ref AkSpatialAudioInitSettings
996  AkPortalID in_portal, ///< The ID of the game object that the client wishes to query.
997  AkReal32& out_wetDiffraction ///< The number of slots in \c out_aPaths, after returning the number of valid elements written.
998  );
1000  /// Query information about the diffraction state for a particular listener and emitter, which has been calculated using the data provided via the spatial audio emitter API. This function can be used for debugging purposes.
1001  /// Returned in \c out_aPaths, this array contains the sound paths calculated from diffraction around a geometric edge and/or diffraction through portals connecting rooms.
1002  /// No paths will be returned in any of the following conditions: (1) the emitter game object has a direct line of sight to the listener game object, (2) the emitter and listener are in the same room, and the listener is completely outside the radius of the emitter,
1003  /// or (3) The emitter and listener are in different rooms, but there are no paths found via portals between the emitter and the listener.
1004  /// A single path with zero diffraction nodes is returned when all of the following conditions are met: (1) the emitter and listener are in the same room, (2) there is no direct line of sight, and (3) either the Voice's Attenuation's curve max distance is exceeded or the accumulated diffraction coefficient exceeds 1.0.
1005  /// This function must acquire the global sound engine lock and, therefore, may block waiting for the lock.
1006  /// \sa
1007  /// - \ref AkDiffractionPathInfo
1009  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< The ID of the game object that the client wishes to query.
1010  AkUInt32 in_positionIndex, ///< The index of the associated game object position.
1011  AkVector64& out_listenerPos, ///< Returns the position of the listener game object that is associated with the game object \c in_gameObjectID.
1012  AkVector64& out_emitterPos, ///< Returns the position of the emitter game object \c in_gameObjectID.
1013  AkDiffractionPathInfo* out_aPaths, ///< Pointer to an array of \c AkDiffractionPathInfo's which will be filled on return.
1014  AkUInt32& io_uArraySize ///< The number of slots in \c out_aPaths, after returning the number of valid elements written.
1015  );
1017  /// Reset the stochastic engine state by re-initializing the random seeds.
1018  ///
1021  //@}
1022  }
1023 };
AkGeometrySetID GeometryInstanceID
bool RoomGameObj_KeepRegistered
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT QueryWetDiffraction(AkPortalID in_portal, AkReal32 &out_wetDiffraction)
AkUInt16 AkTriIdx
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT UnregisterListener(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID)
Triangle for a spatial audio mesh.
AkUInt32 numPathPoints
Number of valid elements in the pathPoint[], surfaces[], and diffraction[] arrays.
AkVertex(AkReal32 in_X, AkReal32 in_Y, AkReal32 in_Z)
AkImageSourceParams params
Image source parameters.
Parameters passed to SetPortal.
Audiokinetic namespace.
AkReal32 TransmissionLoss
AkVector Front
AkTriIdx NumTriangles
Number of triangles in Triangles.
void Set(const AkVector64 &in_position, const AkVector &in_orientationFront, const AkVector &in_orientationTop)
Set position and orientation. Orientation front and top should be orthogonal and normalized.
Definition: AkTypes.h:451
AkReal32 transmissionLoss
AkVertIdx point2
Index into the vertex table passed into AkGeometryParams that describes the third vertex of the trian...
AkReal32 RoomGameObj_AuxSendLevelToSelf
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetGameObjectInRoom(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkRoomID in_CurrentRoomID)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends(AkUInt32 in_uMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends)
AkTriangle(AkVertIdx in_pt0, AkVertIdx in_pt1, AkVertIdx in_pt2, AkSurfIdx in_surfaceInfo)
AkReal32 Z
Z coordinate.
AkReal32 halfDepth
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT Init(const AkSpatialAudioInitSettings &in_initSettings)
Initialize the SpatialAudio API.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetReverbZone(AkRoomID in_ReverbZone, AkRoomID in_ParentRoom, AkReal32 in_transitionRegionWidth)
AkAuxBusID ReverbAuxBus
AkRoomID FrontRoom
AkUInt32 uLoadBalancingSpread
Spread the computation of paths on uLoadBalancingSpread frames [1..[. When uLoadBalancingSpread is se...
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT QueryDiffractionPaths(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkUInt32 in_positionIndex, AkVector64 &out_listenerPos, AkVector64 &out_emitterPos, AkDiffractionPathInfo *out_aPaths, AkUInt32 &io_uArraySize)
AkUInt32 nodeCount
Total number of nodes in the path. Defines the number of valid entries in the nodes,...
AkUInt64 AkGameObjectID
Game object ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:60
#define AK_EXTERNAPIFUNC(_type, _name)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkAuxBusID in_auxBusID)
AkUInt32 uNumTexture
Number of valid textures in the texture array.
Standard function call result.
Definition: AkTypes.h:131
const char * strName
Name to describe this surface.
AkVector64 nodes[kMaxNodes]
AkAcousticSurface surfaces[AK_MAX_REFLECTION_PATH_LENGTH]
AkWorldTransform Transform
AkUInt32 AkImageSourceID
Image Source ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:84
AkAcousticSurface * Surfaces
AkReal32 X
X coordinate.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT QueryReflectionPaths(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkUInt32 in_positionIndex, AkVector64 &out_listenerPos, AkVector64 &out_emitterPos, AkReflectionPathInfo *out_aPaths, AkUInt32 &io_uArraySize)
AkVertIdx NumVertices
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT RemoveGeometryInstance(AkGeometryInstanceID in_GeometryInstanceID)
#define NULL
Definition: AkTypes.h:46
AkReal32 ReverbLevel
float AkReal32
32-bit floating point
AkUInt16 AkSurfIdx
AkReal32 halfHeight
Position and orientation of game objects in the world (i.e. supports 64-bit-precision position)
Definition: AkTypes.h:422
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetImageSource(AkImageSourceID in_srcID, const AkImageSourceSettings &in_info, const char *in_name, AkUniqueID in_AuxBusID=AK_INVALID_AUX_ID, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID=AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetGeometry(AkGeometrySetID in_GeomSetID, const AkGeometryParams &in_params)
Structure for retrieving information about the indirect paths of a sound that have been calculated vi...
AkSurfIdx surface
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetPortalToPortalObstruction(AkPortalID in_PortalID0, AkPortalID in_PortalID1, AkReal32 in_fObstruction)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT RemoveReverbZone(AkRoomID in_ReverbZone)
bool isOccluded
Deprecated - always false. Occluded paths are not generated.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetDiffractionOrder(AkUInt32 in_uDiffractionOrder, bool in_bUpdatePaths)
AkReal32 Y
Y Position.
Definition: AkTypes.h:416
bool bCalcEmitterVirtualPosition
An emitter that is diffracted through a portal or around geometry will have its apparent or virtual p...
AkUInt32 AkUniqueID
Unique 32-bit ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:52
void SetOneTexture(AkUniqueID in_texture)
Helper function to set a single acoustic texture.
AkReal32 angles[kMaxNodes]
Raw diffraction angles at each point, in radians.
AkReal32 X
X Position.
Definition: AkTypes.h:415
AkReal32 Y
Y coordinate.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetLoadBalancingSpread(AkUInt32 in_uNbFrames)
AkVector64 imageSource
Apparent source of the reflected sound that follows this path.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetGeometryInstance(AkGeometryInstanceID in_GeometryInstanceID, const AkGeometryInstanceParams &in_params)
AkPortalID portals[kMaxNodes]
AkTriangle * Triangles
AkUInt32 uNumberOfPrimaryRays
The number of primary rays used in the ray tracing engine. A larger number of rays will increase the ...
AkReal32 Z
Z Position.
Definition: AkTypes.h:417
AkUInt32 uMaxReflectionOrder
Maximum reflection order [1, 4] - the number of 'bounces' in a reflection path. A high reflection ord...
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT RemoveImageSource(AkImageSourceID in_srcID, AkUniqueID in_AuxBusID=AK_INVALID_AUX_ID, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID=AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT)
Initialization settings of the spatial audio module.
Vertex for a spatial audio mesh.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT UnsetGameObjectInRoom(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID)
Diffraction amount, normalized to the range [0,1].
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetReflectionsOrder(AkUInt32 in_uReflectionsOrder, bool in_bUpdatePaths)
AkVertIdx point0
Index into the vertex table passed into AkGeometryParams that describes the first vertex of the trian...
Base type for ID's used by Wwise spatial audio.
Settings for individual image sources.
AkUInt32 numReflections
Number of reflections in the pathPoint[] array. Shadow zone diffraction does not count as a reflectio...
static const AkUniqueID AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID
Invalid unique 32-bit ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:95
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetPortal(AkPortalID in_PortalID, const AkPortalParams &in_Params, const char *in_PortalName=nullptr)
bool EnableDiffraction
Switch to enable or disable geometric diffraction for this Geometry.
Parameters passed to SetGeometryInstance.
AkSurfIdx NumSurfaces
Number of of AkTriangleInfo structures in in_pTriangleInfo and number of AkTriIdx's in in_infoMap.
AkReal32 level
Linear gain applied to image source.
AkWorldTransform virtualPos
Virtual emitter position. This is the position that is passed to the sound engine to render the audio...
static const AkUInt32 kMaxNodes
Defines the maximum number of nodes that a user can retrieve information about. Longer paths will be ...
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetGameObjectToPortalObstruction(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkPortalID in_PortalID, AkReal32 in_fObstruction)
AkReal32 fMovementThreshold
Amount that an emitter or listener has to move to trigger a validation of reflections/diffraction....
AkRoomID rooms[kMaxNodes+1]
AkReal32 halfWidth
bool EnableDiffractionOnBoundaryEdges
Switch to enable or disable geometric diffraction on boundary edges for this Geometry....
static const AkGameObjectID AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT
Invalid game object (may also mean all game objects)
Definition: AkTypes.h:94
3D 64-bit vector. Intended as storage for world positions of sounds and objects, benefiting from 64-b...
Definition: AkTypes.h:327
AkExtent(AkReal32 in_halfWidth, AkReal32 in_halfHeight, AkReal32 in_halfDepth)
AkImageSourceTexture texture
AkImageSourceSettings(AkVector64 in_sourcePosition, AkReal32 in_fDistanceScalingFactor, AkReal32 in_fLevel)
Constructor with parameters.
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
static const AkAuxBusID AK_INVALID_AUX_ID
Invalid auxiliary bus ID (or no Aux bus ID)
Definition: AkTypes.h:101
AkVertex * Vertices
Number of vertices in Vertices.
AkUInt32 AkAuxBusID
Auxilliary bus ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:65
AkUInt32 uMaxSoundPropagationDepth
Maximum number of portals that sound can propagate through; must be less than or equal to AK_MAX_SOUN...
AkUInt16 AkVertIdx
3D vector for some operations in 3D space. Typically intended only for localized calculations due to ...
Definition: AkTypes.h:362
AkUInt32 RoomPriority
AkGeometrySetID GeometrySetID
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetEarlyReflectionsVolume(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkReal32 in_fSendVolume)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetPortalObstructionAndOcclusion(AkPortalID in_PortalID, AkReal32 in_fObstruction, AkReal32 in_fOcclusion)
Unique IDs of the Acoustics Texture ShareSets used to filter this image source.
Parameters passed to SetRoom.
Parameters passed to SetGeometry.
AkVertIdx point1
Index into the vertex table passed into AkGeometryParams that describes the second vertex of the tria...
AkWorldTransform PositionAndOrientation
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT RegisterListener(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetRoom(AkRoomID in_RoomID, const AkRoomParams &in_Params, const char *in_RoomName=nullptr)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetGameObjectRadius(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkReal32 in_outerRadius, AkReal32 in_innerRadius)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT SetNumberOfPrimaryRays(AkUInt32 in_uNbPrimaryRays)

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