
Wwise SDK 2022.1.18
Wwise Authoring API Examples Index

Refer to Using the Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI) for more information about Wwise Authoring API.


Adding a Custom Cue to an existing Music Segment
Creates a Custom Cue inside an existing Music Segment with the specified name and time in milliseconds.

Adding an object to the inclusion list
Adds an object to the SoundBank's inclusion list. The 'media' filter is left out.

Adds an RTPC with curve to an object
In an object's "RTPC" list, this function creates an RTPC on a property using the specified ControlInput and curve points. The ControlInput is the game parameter, Modulator, or MIDI object assigned to the x axis of the RTPC. If you use a game parameter, you are passing a reference, and therefore the game parameter that you want to link to ControlInput must be created before you pass it to the parameter.

Adds an RTPC with curve to an object and creates a new Custom ControlInput
In the "RTPC" list of an object, creates an RTPC on a property using the given ControlInput and curve points.

Assigning a Switch Container's child to a State
Equivalent to dragging a child of a Switch Group to a State listed in the Assigned Objects view.

Batch creation of child hierarchies
In one operation, create child hierarchies under multiple objects: #1. Creates a new Sound object called 'Boom' under the specified parent, #2. Creates a new virtual folder called 'Guns' under the default work unit. If a folder with the same name already exists, it automatically finds a unique name, #3. Creates an event called 'Play_SFX' under the virtual folder 'WAAPI', with Play action on the SFX sound object, #4. Creates a Random Container called 'Boom' under the specified parent, with two Sound objects 'A' and 'B', #5. Creates a Custom Cue inside an existing Music Segment with the specified name and time in milliseconds. See the examples for ak.wwise.core.object.create to compare the two schemas.

Beginning an undo group
Begins an undo group.

Bringing the currently connected Wwise to foreground
Brings the currently connected Wwise to the foreground.

Canceling an undo group
Cancels an undo group.

Checking if a property is enabled
Checks if a property is enabled.

Clearing the inclusion list
The SoundBank's inclusion list is cleared via the 'replace' operation and an empty 'inclusions' list.

Closing the current project
Closes the current project.

Connecting to Cube
Connects to a game named Cube on the same computer.

Connecting to a profile
Connects to a saved profile (.prof file) via a specified full path.

Convert External Sources for a platform
Convert External Sources for Linux at the default output path.

Convert External Sources for several platforms and output paths
Convert External Sources for several platforms given a variety of wsources files, with optional and default output paths.

Copying an object to the given parent
Copies the object specified by the "object" ID and makes that copy a child of "parent". The object is renamed if "parent" already contains a child with the same name.

Creates new Custom Source for a Voice
Creates two new Source objects for a Voice using plug-in Silence and SoundSeed Grain for the languages "English(US)" and "French".

Creating a Play Event on a Sound
Creates an event called 'Play_SFX' under the virtual folder 'WAAPI', with Play action on the SFX sound object.

Creating a Random Container with two Sound objects
Creates a Random Container called 'Boom' under the specified parent, with two Sound objects 'A' and 'B'.

Creating a Sound object
Creates a new Sound object called 'Boom' under the specified parent.

Creating a Virtual Folder
Creates a new virtual folder called 'Guns' under the default work unit. If a folder with the same name already exists, it automatically finds a unique name.

Creating a transport object
Creates a transport object for a given Wwise object.

Defining an attenuation curve of an object
Defines the "object"'s attenuation curve for "curveType" by setting a series of "points".

Deleting an object by GUID
Deletes the object specified by GUID.

Deleting an object by path
Deletes the MyTone object specified by its path.

Destroying a transport object
Destroys the given transport object.

Disabling profiler data
Disable "Voices Data"

Disconnecting from a game
Disconnects from the currently connected game or process.

Enabling profiler data required for ak.wwise.core.profiler.getVoiceContributions
Enable "Voices Data" and "Voice Inspector Data" using the default value (true) for the enable property

Enabling the profiler data
Enable "Voices Data"

Ending an undo group
Ends an undo group.

Executing a command not requiring the object's parameter
Executes the "ResetAllMutes" command.

Executing a command requiring the object's parameter
Executes "ConvertCurrentPlatform" on objects defined by "objects" GUID's.

Finding and selecting objects in Project Explorer
Finds the specified objects in the Project Explorer view (Selection Channel 1), and selects them.

Generating a new SoundBank by specifying inclusions
Sample call that import a new SoundBank and then generate it, the SoundBank will not be saved in the project. Refer to ak.wwise.core.soundbank.generated to learn how to retrieve the SoundBank data.

Generating a new SoundBank on disk by specifying inclusions
Import a new SoundBank, generate it and then write it to disk in the SoundBank generation folder.

Generating several existing SoundBanks without writing them to disk
Generating SoundBanks already in project and have the bank data streamed via WAAPI. Refer to ak.wwise.core.soundbank.generated to learn how to retrieve the SoundBank data.

Get the state of a State Group.
Gets the current state of the PlayerHealth State Group by GUID

Get the state of a switch for a Game Object.
Gets the state of the Surface Switch Group for Game Object Footstep.

Gets information for a Curve
Uses the "points" accessor to get the curve's points.

Gets information for an RTPC
Uses the property/reference accessor @ to get the "PropertyName" property and the "ControlInput" and "Curve" references of an RTPC.

Gets the RTPC ids from a sound's "RTPC" list
Uses the list accessor @ to reference the "RTPC" list. Note that RTPCs are unnamed.

Getting a transport object's State
Gets the State of the given transport object.

Getting all objects containing a sound object
Retrieves the id of objects with at least one child being a sound object. Duplicates are filtered out using the "distinct" transform.

Getting all platforms
Retrieves the platform ids and names.

Getting an attenuation curve of an object
Gets the "curve" from an object specified by "object"

Getting an object's name
Returns the object's name property.

Getting available consoles
Gets the available console for the connected sound engine.

Getting information about Wwise
Gets information about the currently connected Wwise.

Getting peaks across channels
Get peaks for an audio source object.

Getting peaks across channels
Gets peaks for an audio source object (within the trimmed region).

Getting peaks per channel
Get peaks for an audio source object.

Getting peaks per channel
Gets peaks for an audio source object (within the trimmed region).

Getting the active source of a sound object
Uses the "activeSource" accessor to get the sound's active source.

Getting the assignments of a Switch Container
Gets the list of assignments for a Switch Container.

Getting the connection status
Retrieves the current connection status. In this example, Wwise is connected to the Integration Demo.

Getting the descendant objects matching a filter
From all the descendants in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy, return the objects whose names start with 'My'. This uses the regular expression '^My'.

Getting the information about the current Project
Gets information about the current opened project.

Getting the list of all object types
Retrieves the list of all object types.

Getting the output bus being used
Returns the inherited output bus. It uses the override parent values to determine the source of override.

Getting the project name, path, and dirty state
Retrieves the project name, file path, and dirty state. Note that the project name is defined in the WPROJ MXL, and may not match the filename. For using WAAPI on Mac, please refer to Using WAAPI on Mac .

Getting the properties and references of an object
Returns the voice volume and the output bus of an object.

Getting the selected object
Retrieves the GUID of the selected object

Getting the volume of an object
Returns the volume of the Master Audio Bus.

Import SoundBank Definitions from file.
Imports the SoundBank Definitions from the specified text files.

Importing a new SFX and setting a value to a property
Creates a new SFX under "objectPath", setting its volume attribute to 1.

Importing an audio file
Imports an audio file from a tab-delimited file

Importing audio files to SFXs WwiseObjects
Imports files specified by "audioFile" into "objectPath"

Launching a stop Action on Event
Executes a Stop action for the given Event, fading out with a 5 s log1 Curve.

Moving an object to a new parent
Moves object "id" and makes it a child of "parent". The object fails if "parent" already contains a child with the same name.

Moving an object to a parent containing a child of the same name
Moves object "id" and makes it a child of "parent". The object is renamed if "parent" already contains a child with the same name.

Muting the specified object
Executes the "Mute" command and specify the mute state.

Opening a project
Opens the .wproj project specified by path.

Pasting a list
Paste the property, reference and list differences from the source object to the target objects. Only the selected "RTPC" list will be pasted, no property or reference differences will be pasted.

Pasting a list and all properties and references
Paste the property, reference and list differences from the source object to the target objects. Only the "RTPC" list will be pasted along with all properties and references. The source object only has "RTPC" and "Metadata" lists.

Pasting a property and all lists
Paste the property, reference and list differences from the source object to the target objects. Only the "Volume" property will be pasted along with all lists for the source object. The source object only has "RTPC" and "Metadata" lists.

Pasting with defaults
Paste the property, reference and list differences from the source object to the target object. All differences will be pasted.

Pasting with exclusion
Paste the property, reference and list differences from the source object to the target objects. Select a non-default paste mode for the lists and paste everything except for the "Volume" property and "RTPC" list.

Pasting with inclusion
Paste the property, reference and list differences from the source object to the target objects. Paste only the "Volume" property and "RTPC" list.

Performing an undo
Performs an undo.

Playing a transport object
Plays the given transport object.

Posting a Trigger by GUID
Posts the specified "trigger" by GUID to be applied on "gameObject".

Posting a Trigger by name
Posts the specified "trigger" by name to be applied on "gameObject".

Posting an Event by Short ID
Posts an Event to the sound engine using the Event's Short ID.

Posting an Event by name
Posts an Event to the sound engine using the Event's name.

Posting an Event by object GUID
Posts an Event to the sound engine using the Event's GUID.

Preparing An Event
Prepare the object and it dependencies for playback and use with the transport object.

Query game objects registered at or before 1 minute.
Gets game objects where the registration time was 60,000 milliseconds or earlier.

Querying the RTPC id and value at a point in time
Queries the active RTPCs in the current capture session at 30 secs (30,000 milliseconds).

Querying the bus names at a point in time
Queries the bus in the current capture session at 30 secs (30,000 milliseconds).

Querying the game object properties of Audio Object from the Capture Time Cursor
Specifies the Capture Time Cursor as a time to query the Audio Object at the latest time of the capture session when the call is processed.

Querying the game object properties of voices from the Capture Time Cursor
Specifies the Capture Time Cursor as a time to query the voices at the latest time of the capture session when the call is processed.

Querying the instigator ID (pipeline ID) for the Audio Objects at a point in time
Query instigator ID (pipeline ID) for the Audio Objects in the current capture session at 30 secs (30,000 milliseconds).

Querying the sound names at a point in time
Queries the voices in the current capture session at 30 secs (30,000 milliseconds).

Registering a command to edit in Visual Studio Code
Registers a command that's shown in a new Extra menu.

Registering a command to edit in Wavosaur
Registers a command that's shown in the contextual menu only

Registering a command with no program
Registers a command that has no program. Typically used as a callback in Waapi. Simplest example.

Registering a game object
Registers the "MyGameObjectName" game object.

Removing an assignment from a Switch Container
Equivalent to select and delete a child assigned to a State in the Assigned Objects view.

Renaming a WwiseObject
Renames the object specified by "object" to "value".

Resetting an RTPC value using its GUID
Resets the value of "rtpc", using its GUID, to the default for "gameObject".

Resetting an RTPC value using its name
Resets the value of "rtpc", using its name, to the default for "gameObject".

Retrieving a SoundBank's inclusion list
Gets a SoundBank's inclusion list.

Retrieving information about an object property
Retrieves information about an object property.

Retrieving the SoundBank log
Uses the channel 'soundbankGenerate' to retrieve the latest SoundBank generation log.

Retrieving the list of property and reference names of an object
Retrieves the list of property and reference names of an object.

Retrieving the list of transport objects
Retrieves the list of transport objects.

Returning the property and list differences
Returns the property and list differences between 2 objects.

Saving the current project
Saves the current project.

Searching objects by text
Search objects with 'gun' in the name.

Searching objects of a certain category
Retrieves the id and name of objects with "Tone" in their text properties and filters the results to retrieve only those within the category "Actor-Mixer Hierarchy".

Searching objects of a certain type
Retrieves the id, name and notes of objects with "Tone" in their text properties and filters the results to retrieve only those of type "Sound". Refer to Wwise Objects Reference for the types available.

Seeking to 35% of duration
Seeks on "gameObject" referenced in the Play Action of "event" at 35% of the duration.

Seeking to position 1 s
Seeks on "gameObject" referenced in the Play Action of "event" at 1 second.

Sending a message to the profiler
Sends the "message" to the Profiler.

Set the Effect0 of a sound to a newly created Custom RoomVerb Effect plug-in
In the "RTPC" list of an object, creates an RTPC on a property using the given ControlInput and curve points.

Setting a list of listeners for a game object
Sets "listeners" as the list of active listeners for "gameObject".

Setting an RTPC value using its GUID
Sets the value of "rtpc", using its GUID, to "value" for "gameObject".

Setting an RTPC value using its name
Sets the value of "rtpc", using its name, to "value" for "gameObject".

Setting an object reference
Sets the Output Bus on the specified object.

Setting multiple positions for a game object
Sets "gameObject" to multiple positions, as defined in "positions", to simulate multiple sources for one playing sound.

Setting the "Curve" reference of an RTPC
Sets the curve points of a specified RTPC.

Setting the Auxiliary Busses for a game object
Sets the Auxiliary Busses of "emitter" for "listener"s specifying the bus name and value for each.

Setting the State Group to another State using Short IDs
Sets "stateGroup" to "state".

Setting the State Group to another State using names
Sets "stateGroup" to "state".

Setting the Switch Group to another State using Short IDs
Sets "switchGroup" to the "switchState" for "gameObject".

Setting the Switch Group to another State using names
Sets "switchGroup" to the "switchState" for "gameObject".

Setting the Volume randomizer values of a Sound object
Sets the randomizer attributes corresponding to the "Volume" property of the object defined by "object".

Setting the active source for a Sound Voice.
Setting the active source for a Sound Voice. The Sound has a main source and an alternate source.

Setting the emitter's output bus volume for the listener
Amplifies the output bus volume of the emitter for the listener by using the multiplier control value.

Setting the list of default listeners
Sets "listeners" as the list of default listeners.

Setting the listener spatialization
Sets the spatialization for "listener" using "volumeOffsets" to pan to the left.

Setting the notes of an object
Sets the notes of the object defined by "object".

Setting the obstruction and occlusion level of a game object
Sets the "emitter"'s "obstructionLevel" and "occlusionLevel" for the "listener".

Setting the position of a game object
Sets the position of "gameObject" to "position/position" with the provided orientation.

Setting the scaling factor of a game object
Sets the scaling factor of "gameObject" to "attenuationScalingFactor" (200%).

Setting the value of a specified property on the specified platform
Sets the "Volume" property of the object defined by "object" to "Value".

Setting the values of the name, notes, a property and a reference
Setting the name, notes, "Volume" property and "OutputBus" reference of the object defined by "object" . See the examples for ak.wwise.core.object.setName , ak.wwise.core.object.setNotes , ak.wwise.core.object.setProperty and ak.wwise.core.object.setReference to compare the two schemas.

Setting the volume
Sets the "Volume" property of the object defined by "object" to "Value".

Stopping a current content playing
Stops the content, specified by "playingId", by using "transitionDuration" with a Linear Curve.

Stopping a currently playing content
Stops playing all the content associated with "gameObject".

Stopping all transport objects
Stops all transport objects.

Toggling playback (pause / resume) on a transport object
Toggles playback (pause / resume) on the given transport object.

Toggling playback (play / stop) on a transport object
Toggles playback (play / stop) on the given transport object.

Toggling the Mute state on the specified object
Executes the "Mute" command without specifying a value to toggle the current state.

Unregistering a game object
Unregisters "gameObject".

Unregistering a list of commands
Unregisters everything from the ak.wwise.ui.commands.register examples.

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