
Wwise SDK 2022.1.18
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NAKAudiokinetic namespace
 NSpatialAudioAudiokinetic spatial audio namespace
 NReverbEstimationAudiokinetic reverb estimation namespace
 NSpeakerVolumesMulti-channel volume definitions and services
 NMatrixVolume matrix (multi-in/multi-out channel configurations) services
 NVectorVolume vector services
 NStreamMgrAudiokinetic Stream Manager's implementation-specific interfaces of the Low-Level IO submodule
 NWin32Win32 namespace
 NNotificationsNotifications namespace
 NXmlNodeTypeTypes of possible XML elements. See MSDN documentation topics for XmlNodeType
 NXmlWriteReadyPossible error codes when writing XML
 NSourceControlContainersSource Control Containers namespace
 NAkFileParserPublic data structures for converted file format
 NAKPLATFORMPlatform-dependent helpers

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