
Wwise SDK 2022.1.16
Android 2021.1.12

Build Requirements

  • Android SDK: Minimum API 14 for 32 bits, Minimum API 21 for 64 bits.
  • Android SDK Tools: 26.1.1
  • Android NDK: r23

Release Notes

The following sections list and describe the Android specific changes to Wwise between version 2021.1.11 and version 2021.1.12. For general release notes, please refer to Release Notes 2021.1.12

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-62818 Fixed: Plug-in shared libraries fail to load on Android with AAB packaging (Android API version 21 and up).
  • WG-62961 Fixed: Sound from Wwise is quieter on some devices' speakers than others. A new platform option has been added to disable low-latency audio playback on these devices.

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