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Wwise SDK 2022.1.16

◆ GetChannel()

AkSampleType* AkAudioBuffer::GetChannel ( AkUInt32  in_uIndex)

Get the buffer of the ith channel. Access to channel data is most optimal through this method. Use whenever the speaker configuration is known, or when an operation must be made independently for each channel.

When using a standard configuration, use ChannelMaskToBufferIndex() to convert channel bits to buffer indices.
Address of the buffer of the ith channel.
See also
in_uIndexChannel index [0,NumChannels()-1]

Definition at line 565 of file AkCommonDefs.h.

References AKASSERT, MaxFrames(), NumChannels(), and pData.

Referenced by GetLFE(), and ZeroPadToMaxFrames().

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