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Wwise SDK 2022.1.16

◆ SetPortal()

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortal ( AkPortalID  in_PortalID,
const AkPortalParams in_Params,
const char *  in_PortalName = nullptr 

Add or update an acoustic portal. A portal is an opening that connects two or more rooms to simulate the transmission of reverberated (indirect) sound between the rooms. This function may be called multiple times with the same ID to update the parameters of the portal. The ID (in_PortalID) must be chosen in the same manner as AkGameObjectID's, as they are in the same ID-space. The spatial audio lib manages the registration/unregistration of internal game objects for portals that use these IDs, and therefore must not collide.

See also
in_PortalIDUnique portal ID, chosen by the client.
in_ParamsParameter for the portal.
in_PortalNameName used to identify portal (optional)

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