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Wwise SDK 2022.1.16

◆ ExecuteActionOnEvent() [1/2]

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::ExecuteActionOnEvent ( AkUniqueID  in_eventID,
AkActionOnEventType  in_ActionType,
AkGameObjectID  in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT,
AkTimeMs  in_uTransitionDuration = 0,
AkCurveInterpolation  in_eFadeCurve = AkCurveInterpolation_Linear,
AkPlayingID  in_PlayingID = AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID 

Executes an action on all nodes that are referenced in the specified event in an action of type play.

  • AK_Success if the action was successfully queued.
  • AK_IDNotFound if the Event was not found (not loaded or there is a typo in the ID)
See also
in_eventIDUnique ID of the event
in_ActionTypeAction to execute on all the elements that were played using the specified event.
in_gameObjectIDAssociated game object ID
in_uTransitionDurationFade duration
in_eFadeCurveCurve type to be used for the transition
in_PlayingIDAssociated PlayingID

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