
Attention : vous avez été redirigé vers la plus récente documentation correspondant à votre version générale ( 2022.1.16.8522 ). Si vous souhaitez accéder à la documentation de votre version précise, veuillez télécharger la documentation hors ligne depuis l'Audiokinetic Launcher et sélectionner l'option de documentation Offline dans l'application de création Wwise.

Playing ID ... not found in function ...

The specified function requires a valid playing ID parameter to proceed. The identifier provided is unknown to the sound engine.

Playing IDs are returned by the function AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent().

Possible causes:

  • The playing ID provided belongs to an Event that has completely finished or was stopped.

  • The playing ID value was not returned by AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent().

Recommended resolution steps:

  • Find the specified function call in the game code and debug where the Playing ID value comes from.

  • Use the Wwise Profiler to check if the event was stopped prior to this call.

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