

Specifying the Shape of the Curve Between Control Points

To give you greater control and flexibility over the curves in your project, Wwise allows you to define the shape of each curve segment. A curve segment is any part of the curve between two control points. You can choose from a variety of curve shapes, including linear, constant, logarithmic, exponential, and s-curve.

[Note] Note

While the curve tools provide flexibility, they require more processing and thus increase CPU usage.

To specify the shape of the curve between control points:

  1. In the graph view, right-click a segment of the curve.

    A shortcut menu is displayed

  2. From the menu, select one of the following options:

    • Logarithmic (Base 3)

    • Sine (Constant Power Fade In) - this Sine curve shape only offers a constant power crossfade when used on the 'in' part of the curve.

    • Logarithmic (Base 1.41)

    • Inverted S-Curve

    • Linear

    • Constant

    • S-Curve

    • Exponential (Base 1.41)

    • Sine (Constant Power Fade Out) - this Sine curve shape only offers a constant power crossfade when used on the 'out' part of the curve.

    • Exponential (Base 3)

    The selected curve shape is applied to the segment of the curve.

  3. Continue to apply curve shapes to the other segments of the curve, as needed.

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