

Queries - Tips and Best Practices

Many options are available to you when you create queries in Wwise. By using certain strategies when designing queries, you can get the precise results you need, quickly and consistently. The following are some strategies you might consider when building queries for use in your projects.

Object Type Details

Many criteria in the browser list have conditions that allow you to further narrow down a query. However, these conditions will vary depending on the object type you select in the Query From list. For example, consider the following three cases for the Property Value criteria:

  • If you select “Audio Source” as your object type, a list of conditions including Bit Depth and Sample Rate is available for you to choose from.

  • If you select “Event” as your object type, no conditions are available as this is not a valid criteria for this object type (Events in Wwise don't have properties).

Therefore, your choice of object type is very important as it determines the conditions you can use for your queries.

Speeding Up Queries

A few simple choices can make your queries run much faster.

  • Specify an object type in the Query From list.

  • Specify a platform, if you are looking for something platform-specific.

  • Use Start From Here to choose a location as far down in the hierarchy as possible.

Using Wildcards in Queries

Wildcards are symbols that add flexibility to a keyword search by extending the parameters of a search word. You can use the wildcard operator, which is the asterisk (*) in Wwise, to replace part of a word when you are trying to find different project elements that contain, start with, or end with certain letters or numbers. For example, if you want to find all objects with LOOP in the name, you should type *LOOP* within the condition text box. If, on the other hand, you want to find all objects that start with the letters LOOP, you should type LOOP* within the condition text box. Finally, if you want to find all objects that end with the letters LOOP, then you should type *LOOP within the condition text box.

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