

6-Band Parametric EQ

The Parametric EQ module is an equalizer that processes up to six EQ bands.

Each EQ band can be controlled and disabled independently.

Various types of configurable filter modes are provided for each band, and you can set each cut-off frequency, resonant Q value, and gain parameter according to the filter mode. The following table summarizes which combinations of parameters are configurable based on the filter mode chosen for a given band.

Filter Mode Cut-off Frequency Resonant Q Value Gain
Off N/A N/A N/A
Low Pass Resonant (Two-Pole) Configurable Configurable N/A
High Pass Resonant (Two-Pole) Configurable Configurable N/A
Peak (Notch) Configurable Configurable Configurable
High Shelf Configurable N/A Configurable
Low Shelf Configurable N/A Configurable
Low Pass (One-Pole) Configurable N/A N/A
High Pass (One-Pole) Configurable N/A N/A


The filter outputs the input signal as-is.

Low Pass Resonant (Two-Pole)

This filter removes higher frequencies and has a configurable volume peak near the cut-off frequency. The roll-off is faster than that of the low pass one-pole filter, with -12 dB per octave.

In this filter mode, a cut-off frequency and Q value are set as parameters:

  • The cut-off frequency defines the frequency at which roll-off occurs.

  • The Q value controls the filter resonance as follows (the higher the Q value, the more the frequencies around the cut-off frequency are accentuated):

    • When Q=0.7, the filter does not have a resonant peak. The volume decrease is -3 dB at the cut-off frequency.

    • When Q=1.0, the filter has a resonant peak (increase) below the cut-off frequency. The volume at the cut-off frequency is 0 dB.

    • When Q=2.0, the filter has a resonant peak of +6 dB at the cut-off frequency.

High Pass Resonant (Two-Pole)

This filter removes lower frequencies and has a configurable resonant peak near the cut-off frequency. It is similar to the low pass two-pole resonant filter, but it differs by reducing the frequencies below the cut-off frequency.

In this filter mode, a cut-off frequency and Q value are set as parameters.

Refer to the Low Pass Resonant (Two-Pole) filter mode for characteristics of the cut-off frequency and Q parameters.

Peak (Notch)

This filter reduces the frequencies near the cut-off frequency and passes through the frequencies above/below the cut-off frequency.

In this filter mode, a cut-off frequency, Q value, and gain are set as parameters:

  • The cut-off frequency controls the frequencies at which the output volume relative to the input volume peaks.

  • The Q value controls the frequency bandwidth affected by the filter. The lower the Q value, the wider the affected frequency bandwidth centered on the cut-off frequency (the peak curve becomes flatter). The higher the Q value, the narrower the affected frequency bandwidth centered on the cut-off frequency (the peak curve becomes sharper).

  • The gain controls the volume gain (in decibels) at the cut-off frequency.

High Shelf

This filter increases/decreases the volume of higher frequencies. Frequencies below the transition band are not changed.

In this filter mode, a cut-off frequency and gain are set as parameters:

  • The cut-off frequency controls the center frequency of the transition band.
  • The gain controls the amount of volume increase or decrease (in decibels) after the transition band.

The gain is decreased by half at the cut-off frequency.

Low Shelf

In contrast to the High Shelf filter, this filter increases/decreases the volume of lower frequencies. Frequencies above the transition band are not changed.

Low Pass (One-Pole)

This filter removes higher frequencies.

In this filter mode, a cut-off frequency is set as a parameter.

The volume decrease at the specified frequency is -3 dB, and the roll-off is -6 dB per octave. In other words, the output at twice the cut-off frequency is -6 dB, and the output volume that corresponds to the input volume decreases (very slowly) by 6 dB for every doubling of frequency thereafter.

High Pass (One-Pole)

In contrast to the Low Pass (One-Pole) filter, this filter removes lower frequencies.

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