


Different situations within a game will require different kinds of music playback. To accommodate these different scenarios, Wwise allows you to define the playback behaviors of each individual Music Segment and track. To give you additional flexibility and control over the playback of your music, Wwise also allows you to group objects into two different types of containers: music playlist and Music Switch Containers.

The type of container you choose will determine how the objects within the container will be played back. For example, Music Playlist Containers play back the contents of the container according to a specific playlist. The playlist can contain a series of different groups that can be played back randomly or in a sequential order. Switch Containers, on the other hand, play back the contents of the container based on the current Switch or state within the game.

You can use a combination of the different containers and playback behaviors to create many different playback scenarios, resulting in less repetition, which can ultimately enhance the music in your game.

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