

Creating Work Units in Your Project

You can create new Work Units for the following elements in your project:

  • Sound structures in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy

  • Music structures in the Interactive Music Hierarchy

  • Action Events and Dialogue Events

  • SoundBanks

  • Bus structures in the Master-Mixer Hierarchy

  • Switches, States, Game Parameters, and Triggers

  • Effect and Attenuation ShareSets

  • Soundcaster and Mixing Desk sessions

  • Queries

Each Work Unit can only contain those project elements for which it was created. For example, an Event Work Unit can only contain Events, an Effects Work Unit can only contain Effects, and so on.

If you plan to use a source control system to manage your project files, you can add all the Work Units, including the Default Work Units, to the central repository or depot of your source control system. If you create a Work Unit while using a Workgroup plug-in, you will be prompted to add the file to the repository.

To create a Work Unit:

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click one of the Physical Folders (such as Actor-Mixer Hierarchy or Interactive Music Hierarchy).

    A shortcut menu is displayed.

  2. Click New Child > Work Unit.

    The Work Unit dialog box opens.

  3. In the Name field, type the name of the Work Unit.

    [Note] Note

    The following characters may not be used when naming Work Units in Wwise: ‘:<>*?”/\|.’

  4. Click OK.

    A new Work Unit is created.

    [Note] Note

    You can delete or rename this Work Unit directly in the Project Explorer or in the File Manager. To open the File Manager, click Projects > File Manager. Shortcut: Shift + F1.

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