

Creating a Query

When you create a query in Wwise, you set up a unique search that will be used to find objects in a project. After you name your query, it is saved for future use.

You can create queries in two places in Wwise:

  • Queries tab of the Project Explorer

  • Within the Query editor

To create a new query from the Queries tab:

  1. In the Project Explorer, switch to the Queries tab.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select a Work Unit or Virtual Folder and click the Query icon in the Project Explorer toolbar.

    • Right-click a Work Unit or Virtual Folder and select New Child > Query from the shortcut menu.

    A new query is added to the selected Work Unit or Virtual Folder.

  3. Replace the default name with one that best represents the query, and then press Enter.

    [Note] Note

    Each query name must be unique, and may not include the following characters: ‘:<>*?”/\|.’. You can rename a query at any time by right-clicking it, selecting Rename, and typing a new name.

To create a new query from within the Query Editor:

  1. In the Query Editor, click New...

    The New Query dialog opens.

  2. Select the Work Unit in which you want to create the query.

  3. Type a name for the query.

    [Note] Note

    Each query name must be unique, and may not include the following characters: ‘:<>*?”/\|.’. You can rename a query at any time by right-clicking it, selecting Rename, and typing a new name.

  4. Click OK.

    A new query is created.

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