
Wwise SDK 2019.1.11

◆ Read()

virtual AKRESULT AK::IAkStdStream::Read ( void *  in_pBuffer,
AkUInt32  in_uReqSize,
bool  in_bWait,
AkPriority  in_priority,
AkReal32  in_fDeadline,
AkUInt32 &  out_uSize 
pure virtual

Schedule a read request.

Use only with a multiple of the block size, queried via AK::IAkStdStream::GetBlockSize().
If the call is asynchronous (in_bWait = false), wait until AK::IAkStdStream::GetStatus() stops returning AK_StmStatusPending.
AK_Success if the operation was successfully scheduled (but not necessarily completed)
See also
in_pBuffer User buffer address
in_uReqSize Requested read size
in_bWait Block until the operation is complete
in_priority Heuristic: operation priority
in_fDeadline Heuristic: operation deadline (ms)
out_uSize The size that was actually read

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