

Language Manager

The Language Manager dialog box lets you define the project's languages for localization. You can specify the languages that you want to include in your project, as well as set the volume offset (make-up gain) for each one. You can also specify which language will act as your reference language when you import or convert language files. The reference file can also be used in place of a file that is missing.

The Language Manager queues all requested language actions (Add/Remove/Rename). Clicking the OK button executes all pending language actions. Clicking the Cancel button discards all pending language actions.

Interface Element


Click the Configure Columns... shortcut (right-click) option from the column header band.

The Configure Columns Dialog opens. Specify which columns to display and their order.


The unique name of the defined language. You can use any OS-supported characters.

Make-Up Gain

Defines the amount of volume offset applied to the audio source for each language.

Default value: 0
Range: -24 to +24
Unit: dB

Pending Actions

Lists actions, such as Add or Rename to "language", to be performed upon clicking OK.


Reference language

The language that is used when importing a Sound Voice object into a project.

The default reference language is English (US).

Use reference language as stand-in

Determines whether the reference language audio source will be played when other language audio sources are unavailable.

If this check box is enabled, the reference language audio source for the project will be played when no source is available for the current language.

If this check box is unselected and there is no language source available for the current language, no audio will play back.

Opens the Add Language dialog box, where a new language can be defined and added to the Language column and list.

The new language will be added to the project upon clicking the OK button.

Removes the selected language. If the language was a recently added language (via the Add... button) then the language is simply removed from the Language column. Otherwise, the language is marked for removal, and will be removed from the project upon clicking the OK button.

Opens the Rename Language dialog box, where the selected language can be renamed. If the language was a recently added language (via the Add... button) then the language is simply renamed for the pending Add action. Otherwise, the language is marked for renaming, and will be renamed upon clicking the OK button.


Closes the Language Manager dialog box and performs all pending language actions.

Closes the Language Manager dialog box without making any changes to your project.

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