

New Features

Wwise 2010.1 New Features

Wwise 2010.1 is a major release packed with many new exciting features. The following list highlights the major improvements that have been made for this version.

Mixing Desk

  • The mixing desk is a new view that display your audio objects in mixer strip style, giving you access, while mixing at runtime, to all practical properties.
  • Volume, pitch, LPF, states, effects, attenuations and motion parameters are all available...

Conversion Settings ShareSets

  • Now, conversion settings are contained within ShareSets and applied anywhere in the hierarchy which will allow all child objects to automatically inherit the settings of their parent.
  • This modification eliminates the frustration (and potential damage) of forgetting to set conversion settings to newly added objects.
  • After migrating to 2010.1, you will notice that, at authoring time, your Wwise project should take about:
    • 50% less disk space (for work unit files),
    • 50% less memory,
    • 50% less time to load.

Be sure to take a look at the video tutorial.

External Source

  • This new source plug-in bypasses the Wwise SoundBanks generation and allow the game to dynamically associate audio files to Sound objects.
  • On top of simplifying the development process for developers, it will also greatly reduce the memory footprint needed for dialogue intensive games.
  • The External Source plug-in will also open up several workarounds for game developers including user-generated content.

New Seek event action

  • You can now seek anywhere in actor-mixer audio objects or music segment objects.
  • Seek time can be randomized and is set either in absolute time or in percentage of the file duration.
  • Seek can snap to markers and music cues.

Multiple level of sub-mixing

  • Wwise can now have an unlimited number of sub-mix levels in the Master-Mixer hierarchy which virtually allow for an unlimited number of effects processed in series.

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