

AkEmitterSettings Struct Reference

Settings for a sound emitter. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  AkEmitterSettings ()
AkEmitterSettings operator= (const AkEmitterSettings &src)
  Operator =.

Public Attributes

AK::SpatialAudio::OsString  name
  Name given to this sound emitter.
AkUniqueID  reflectAuxBusID
AkReal32  reflectionMaxPathLength
AkReal32  reflectionsAuxBusGain
  Send gain (0.f-1.f) that is applied when sending to the bus that has the AkReflect plug-in. (reflectAuxBusID).
AkUInt32  reflectionsOrder
AkUInt32  reflectorFilterMask
AkReal32  roomReverbAuxBusGain
AkUInt8  useImageSources: 1
  Enable reflections from image sources that have been added via the AK::SpatialAudio::SetImageSource() API. (Does not apply to geometric reflections.).

Detailed Description

Settings for a sound emitter.

Definition at line 117 of file AkSpatialAudio.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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