

Game Object 3D Viewer

The Game Object 3D Viewer is a three-dimensional dynamic visual representation of the watched game objects (emitters and listeners) in a game.

[Tip] Tip

By default in Wwise, you can switch to the Game Object Profiler layout by pressing F12.

[Tip] Tip

In the 3D Viewer, you can right-click and drag to zoom in and out. In User Camera mode, you can also left-click and drag to rotate the camera around the center point.

Interface Element



Indicates the camera option currently being used. You can choose one of the following options:

  • User Camera 1 to switch to Camera 1, which you can move freely around the center point.

  • User Camera 2 to switch to Camera 2, which you can move freely around the center point.

  • Front to position the camera to the front of the game geometry.

  • Top to position the camera above the game geometry.

  • Left to position the camera to the left of the game geometry.

  • First Person to enable first-person shooter type controls.

You can also choose from among an alphabetical listing of watched game objects, which are displayed just below the standard camera options described above. The camera will match the position and alignment of the watched object.

[Note] Note

Only watched game objects are available for selection in the Game Object 3D Viewer. If a selected game object has its watch removed, it will display in red.

Returns the camera to its default position.

Displays a list of watched objects from which you can choose one on which the camera will be centered.

Sets the camera to follow the selected game object during capture.

Adjusts the Game Object 3D Viewer to show all followed game objects.

Opens the Game Object 3D Viewer Filter in which you can select which game objects are displayed and which are hidden.


(3D Viewer)

A graphical representation of the relative locations of watched game objects in a three-dimensional space.

(Axis indicator)

Indicates the camera orientation according to the three axes.

The following camera movement is possible:

  • Click and drag to rotate (only in User Camera mode).

  • Ctrl+click and drag to pan.

  • Right-click and drag to zoom.

  • In First Person camera mode, the following camera movement is possible:

    • Press WASD or the arrow keys to move the camera.

    • Click and drag to orient the camera.

    • Hold Shift to move faster.

    • Right-click and drag or use the mouse center wheel to zoom in and out.

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