


In the Wwise Soundcaster you can mix and play back audio and motion in real time in a simulation. This makes it possible for you to create prototypes and proofs of concept, as well as experiment and test your ideas.

Using the Soundcaster controls, you can make changes on the fly, edit and apply the properties for objects, events, states, switches, triggers, and RTPCs, and then audition your changes, both in Wwise and in the game. When you are connected to the game, you can play back sound and motion associated with selected game objects and audition your states, for example, in the game context. You can also play back the pre-converted files if you want. Each Soundcaster layout that you have created can be saved as a Soundcaster session in the Sessions tab of the Project Explorer. A Soundcaster session is like a preset that contains the Wwise objects and events you have used in a simulation.

Interface Element


(Soundcaster Session Selector)

A list of soundcaster sessions that currently exist within the project.

The name of the selected soundcaster session is displayed in the corresponding field.

Removes all the modules in the Soundcaster and stops any playback.

Soundcaster Controls

Determines whether the original or converted audio source is played back.

When selected, the object plays back in its original and pre-converted form. When unselected, the converted version of the object is played back, if one exists.

When you convert an audio file for a particular platform, it is converted to meet the specific hardware requirements of that platform. As a result, you may not be able to play back these converted files in Wwise when a platform, other than Windows, is selected. To test your converted files in Wwise, you can select the Windows platform for PCM, ADPCM, and Vorbis files, and the Xbox 360 platform for XMA converted files.

When selected, only objects included in the selected platform are playable in the Soundcaster.

Stops playback of all Soundcaster modules.

Pauses playback of all Soundcaster modules. Clicking this button a second time will resume playback.


Indicates whether a delay has been applied to an event action or random or sequence container. When there is a delay, this icon becomes blue during the delay period in the playback.


Indicates whether a fade has been applied to an event action or random or sequence container. When there is a fade, this icon becomes blue during the fade period in the playback.

Stops playback in the Soundcaster and returns all property values to their original settings.

Reset Selector

Stops playback in the Soundcaster and opens a Reset menu with the following options:

Reset All - to stop playback and return all property values to their original settings.

Reset All Random and Sequence Containers to resume playing a sequence container from the beginning of the playlist or to reset random playback properties for random containers.

Reset All Game Parameters to return all Game parameters to their original settings.

Reset All Set Mute to clear all Mute actions for the objects.

Reset All Set Pitch to clear all Set Pitch actions for the objects.

Reset All Set Volume to clear all Set Volume actions for the objects.

Reset All Set Low Pass Filter to clear all Low Pass Filter actions for the objects.

Reset All Bypass Effect to clear all Bypass actions that have been triggered for the objects.

Reset All States to clear all Set States actions for the objects.

Reset All Switches to clear Switch actions for the objects.

Reset All Music Tracks Force Usage to clear all music tracks from being forced to play in the Soundcaster.

Reset Position to reset the position of the listener within the Attenuation Preview control to its default position.

Set Volume

Indicates whether a Volume action has been applied to an object. When there is a Volume action applied, this icon becomes blue during playback, remains blue in the Soundcaster until you reset the volume.

Set Pitch

Indicates whether a Pitch action has been applied to an object. When there is a Pitch action applied, this icon becomes blue during playback and remains blue in the Soundcaster until you reset the pitch.


Indicates whether a Mute action has been applied to an object. When there is a Mute action applied, this icon becomes blue during playback and remains blue in the Soundcaster until you reset the Mute.

Set Low Pass Filter

Indicates that a Low Pass Filter action has been applied to an object. When there is a Low Pass Filter action applied, this icon becomes blue during playback and remains blue until you reset the Low Pass Filter action.

Enable Bypass

Indicates that an Enable Bypass action has been applied to an object. When an Enable Bypass action has been applied, this icon becomes blue during playback and remains blue until you reset the Bypass action.


When selected, displays all the state groups and states that have been created in the project and not just the states and state groups associated with the objects loaded into the Soundcaster.

(State Group)

The name of each state group associated with the objects in the Soundcaster.


The name of each state associated with the currently selected state group.


When selected, displays all the switch groups and switches that have been created for the objects in the Soundcaster in the project and not just the switches and switch groups associated with the object loaded into the Soundcaster.

(Switch Group)

The name of each switch group associated with the objects in the Soundcaster.


The name of each switch associated with the switch groups.


When selected, displays all the RTPCs that have been created in the project and not just the RTPCs associated with the object loaded into the Soundcaster.

(Game Parameter Name)

The name of each game parameter in the object's hierarchy.


The game parameter values that you can modify during playback to audition the RTPC effect.


Displays all the triggers associated with the current music object in the Game Syncs area.

(Trigger Name)

The list of triggers associated with the object's in the Soundcaster.

Calls the corresponding stinger to play over the currently playing music object.

Soundcaster Modules

(Title Bar)

The name and icon of the project element that has been added as a Soundcaster module. The following project elements can be added to the Soundcaster:


Sound SFX

Sound Voice

Motion FX

Random Container

Sequence Container

Blend Container

Switch Container


Audio Bus

Music Segment

Music Playlist Container

Music Switch Container

Stops playback of the Soundcaster module.

Pauses playback of the Soundcaster module. Clicking this button a second time will resume paused playback.

Plays the selected Soundcaster module.


Indicates whether a delay has been applied to an event action or random or sequence container. When there is a delay, this icon becomes blue during the delay period of the playback.


Indicates whether a fade has been applied to an event action or random or sequence container. When there is a fade, this icon becomes blue during the fade period in the playback.

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