

Modulator Editor

The modulator editor allows you to define the characteristics of the selected modulator. These characteristics will determine the output of the modulator, before it is applied to an RTPC. For more details on how to use modulators with RTPCs, refer to Chapter 18, Working with RTPCs.

[Note] Note

A modulator can itself have RTPCs on some of its properties, be they game parameters or other modulators.

These modulator settings can also be saved as ShareSets, which means you can share these settings across several objects in your project.

[Caution] Caution

A modulator's processing time depends on its RTPC usage. For most properties, a modulator is evaluated once per audio frame. However, for the property voice volume, the associated modulator is evaluated at every frame. Use modulators selectively as they can consume a significant amount of a platform's memory and CPU.

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